It was a perfect summer morning. Soft zephyr softly rustled the leaves and swayed the branches. Bees hummed and buzzed whilst butterflies flitted gracefully over the colorful flowers in the garden.
Lazily, she opened one eye, immediately shut it, and snuggled more cozily in the warm, soft bed. The sound of birds twittering and chirping came to her ears. Soon, Mother’s shrill voice came over the chirping sound, “Wake up! It is time for practice.”
Again, she opened one eye and looked up at the azure sky. White, fleecy clouds were scurrying by, running a race. She smiled at the scene and drifted off to sleep. It was such a lovely morning to doze, and Mother could only think of spoiling it with some practice.
Another shrill note broke her reverie. Both eyes flew open now. Slowly, she peeked over the edge of her bed. Below in the garden, some children were playing. Down the path near a pond, ducks loudly quacked as they paddled around. The ducks are so lucky, thought Cheeps; no practice for them.
She was very terrified of the ordeal before her. Mother would never understand her fear. She didn’t know who to talk to. She slowly nudged her sibling resting beside her. Without opening her eyes, she replied, “You need to be brave, Cheeps. You will be fine. You saw me practice yesterday.”
Cheeps was afraid of the height. Looking down from where she sat, she knew she would fall straight down on her face. She imagined all the children and ducks in the garden laughing at her when she fell.
Mother put a warm, reassuring arm around Cheeps, and she snuggled close to her. “Look, dear! You have to be brave. It’s only the first time you feel nervous. Later, you will do it so effortlessly you will laugh remembering this day.” Cheeps gave a soft peck to Mother. She felt more confident now, and her spirits soared.
Gingerly, she came and stood at the edge. In a loud voice, she announced, “Mother, I am ready.” Smilingly, Mother came and stood next to her. The only thing you have to do is spread your arms to break the fall.” Saying that she gave Cheeps a gentle push.
Cheeps gave a loud gasp. She couldn’t understand what was happening to her. Cheeps was falling straight down at great speed; at that moment, remembering her Mother’s advice, she spread her tiny wings and
Lo, behold! Cheeps was balancing herself and gliding in the air. She started flapping her tiny wings, and as the wind beneath the wings lifted her, she began to rise. It was the most amazing experience of her life. Cheeps was in complete control of her movements, and her confidence soared.
When she returned to her nest, she hugged Mother and said, “Thank you for making me realize a push doesn’t always make you fall; sometimes it urges you to rise higher.”