

A smart tycoon, Mark Zuckerberg
Minted money like Scrooge of Duckburg
Making public show of private life
His devout fan, oh no, is my wife!

Her day is all posts, likes, hearts and pings
How she cooks, looks, feels and sings
Squeezed in pretty dresses, two sizes too small
That cost me a bomb, just to adorn her wall!

“Darling,” I’ll explain, “Please, no more show;
All those heady comments, they’re simply shallow!”
But to say that I must wait, she’ll be back in a while,
Till then my selfie I’ll post – you see, I have a new hairstyle!

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4 thoughts on “Temptation

  1. FB (other SM platforms) are a welcome break for the wife, from daily mundane chores. The comments may sound shallow, but makes her feel worthy.

    Short perspective by champion writer Archie…😀

  2. Sheru, you’re right..
    In a broader perspective, the only compliments some women get are those on social media, many of which may be shallow anyway, but serve to make her feel valued. It’s like that famous old song.. palbhar ke liye koi hume pyaar kar le, jhoota hi sahi..

    Thank you for the feedback..😃👍

  3. Perfect rhymes and absolutely relevant theme. We literally spend a quarter of our day at least showcasing our lives or exploring others’ on various social media platforms. Loved the cute banter between the couple.

    1. Hi Mithila..
      Yes, we do spend a lot of time on social media nowadays..it’s so addictive..
      Thank you for the feedback..😃🌹

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