Invented by Edmund Clerihew Bentley, a popular English novelist and humorist, this form is written considering the following guidelines:
~The Clerihew is four lines long.
~The rhyme scheme is: A/A/B/B
~The first line of the first stanza should end with a name of a person; and the second line ends with something that rhymes with that name. The succeeding stanzas don’t follow these rules.
~ Should be funny
~There is no restriction in syllables or meter.
- Send in your entries to penmagica@gmail.com as an attachment in a word document (.doc/.docx, any other file will not be published) along with a 2-3 line bio (not required if previously sent).
- The subject of your mail should be “Entry for #PenMuse29 (compulsory).
- Along with your entry please send a suggested cover for your poem. (please send it as a separate attachment. Make sure it is a stock photo and of high resolution –800 pixels and above). The elves at Penmancy are mighty pleased if a story is accompanied by a cover.
- Considering the above guidelines, write a 3-stanza Clerihew in any topic of your choice. Use this link if you want to count your syllables: howmanysyllables.com/syllable_counter/
- The submitted poem must have a title (Keep it simple with no punctuation marks; all words more than 3 letters must be capitalized)
- There is no limit to the number of entries you may submit –though only the first submitted poem will be qualified for contention.
- Previously published or plagiarised works will not be considered for contention.
- Poems found to have been shared on another platform or blog before the declaration of results stand disqualified from the event, and the writer of such content stands to be disqualified for the next Penmancy event.
- In case a poem is received after the submission deadline, it shall be considered as a guest entry and shall not qualify for the event.
- Entries that don’t follow rules will be published and shared on the page and group but are disqualified for winning.
Winning criteria:
The winner will be chosen on the basis of votes from the readers and the judges’ scores (out of 10), in the ratio 30:70
- Submitted entries to be adjudged based on the
- creativity/content and originality, [12 points]
- coherence of form and structure (harmony of words, presentation), [12 points]
- clarity of imagery and language/grammar, [10 points]
- emotional impact, [10 points]
- topic/relevance to the theme, [6 points]
- The voting process for the readers:
- The option for rating would be given below each story on the website
- Readers to rate the story on the basis of 5 (rate it based on the content, language, creativity, prompt and emotional impact).
- Readers can vote once for each story. Multiple votes shall not be recorded.
- Once the rating is given, your vote is recorded and cannot be altered.
- Writers are requested to share the link of the posts to garner more votes.
- The entries adjudged by a panel of judges and event organisers shall be binding. Judges’ scores to be deemed final and may not be contested.
- All writers are required to read and comment on 5 poems other than their own and encourage their fellow writers with valuable and constructive inputs. Comments like “nice”, “good work”, “brilliant piece”, etc. do not provide the necessary critique and are not helpful for anyone.
- Only stories that garnered an average score/rating of 7.5 and above from the panel of judges shall be eligible for winning.
- The last date of submission is April 20, 2021 (Tuesday). Voting closes on April 29, 2021 (Thursday), and winners shall be announced on April 30, 2021 (Friday).
For questions related to the rules and criteria, please write to us at penmagica@gmail.com
Below are the submissions