The Successful Idiot
The protagonist whom I feature today is ‘Sonam’,
The character who portrayed his love for ‘Rum’.
Your mind must have flagged gender confusion,
He is a scientist, and gave some amazing solution.
Revealing his identity, he was depicted as ‘Ranchoddas’
A real life hero, with patented inventions, he is a class.
His love for machines and practical learning methods were super cool,
He conveyed, “All you needed was a uniform, to join any school”
His fan base grew for the mantra of saying “All is well”,
Almost everyone use this when they find themselves in hell.
The disadvantage of rote learning was conveyed beautifully,
The teacher’s day speech made its impact fantastically
Author’s note – The character of Phunsuk Wangdu in 3 idiots is real life character Sonam Wangchuk from Leh.
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