My Lilith Son
Born on the day of Janmashtami, my son Krishnendu,
He barged into my life like a sunshine dew.
Queer are his manners and different are his ways,
I keep guessing all the while, why is he enigmatic always?
He talks like a parrot and all words he replicates,
If I try to coax answer, he repeats the question straight.
He makes strange gestures with a string, for his sensoria are pacified,
I ponder how peculiar, but his capacious smile indicates he is satisfied.
If I ask him, "What is the concept of money?"
He just gives me tricksy giggle, as if it is all so funny.
Academics for him is like Greek and Latin,
But his devout soul excels when he descants like a robin.
Janmashtami - The day Lord Krishna was born
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