It's Dangerous
From childhood, I am an ardent fan of Michael Jackson
Flaunting around pictures clicked with his figurine of waxen
Fate intervened, I was appalled to see him as my rival
For it was, the world's greatest dance show's final
Coming to terms, he nodded to teach me his norm
Colourful fusion we decided, by exchanging our dance form
Confidently I tapped, from ‘Alarippu to Tillana’ every step,
Counting, he snapped his heel, left and right, what a pep!
On the day, stage was set, all eyes centered, to decide our fate
Onto the rhythm, he excelled, lastly the balancing act on the plate
Oh! I forgot to mention its size, definitely not the teacup saucer
Oops! he slipped and fell, cracking his spine, I stood like a loser
Author’s Note:
Alarippu – The first step of rhythmic invocation in Bharatanatyam dance
Tillana – The final step in Bharatanatyam dance
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