The Boomerang

Suhani Mathur is a beautiful, and smart woman in her early 30's. She works in an MNC and earns a handsome salary. She is the only child of her parents. Suhani and her family have been busy with her wedding preparations which is just a month away with Siddharth Thapad.
Siddharth is the only son of Ranjit Thapad who is a rich businessman, settled in Dubai. Siddharth's mother passed away when he was just 10 years old.
Suhani works in Siddharth's company as his secretary. There they became friends and soon started dating. After over two years of courtship they are finally getting married.
Few days before the wedding Siddharth’s father arrives from Dubai. Suhani goes to Siddharth’s house to finally meet him and take his blessings. She sits waiting in his bedroom for the father-son duo to arrive. She then receives a call from Siddharth that he has an urgent meeting and he won’t be able to come home.
Knock knock...
"Who is it?" asks Suhani without looking up.
"Hello, Hot Sunny420" says a voice cheesily.
Suhani turns in shock and sees Ranjit Thapad standing at the door.
"Surprise, surprise.” says Ranjit wickedly.
Suhani is horrified, her face turns pale, she chokes, unable to speak.
"Oh it's ok sweetie. Just relax. You must be thinking how do I know your teenage name. Well I know everything about you and what you did in your past."
"I don't know what you are talking about dad." Suhani stammers. “And how come you get in your son’s room like this knowing I am here? I have to talk to Sid about this."
"Oh really? You can happily discuss it with Sid. Tell him everything that we spoke about.” Ranjit said wickedly.
At once Suhani was on her knees crying and begging her father-in-law not to tell anything about her to Sid.
"What do you want from me, why do you want to destroy your son's life?" Suhani sobs.
"I want you to make me happy the same way you used to make your clients happy,
Think about it.” saying this he leaves the room.
Suhani lies on the bed crying out aloud.
Suhani had been stuck in a bad company in her college days. Her friends were involved in illegal activities, drinks, drugs, bike racing etc. She belonged to a middle-class family so she could not afford such a lifestyle. So, like few other girls in her group she used worked as an escort to earn good so as to take care of her expenses. This went on for a few years. Then once she had a near to death accident during bike racing.
That accident was a turning point in her life. She completely detached herself from her friends her and the horrible lifestyle.
Suhani shudders as her past life replayed in her mind. Her heart aches, she finds it difficult to breathe. The shadow of her past is overcasting her present.
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