The Case

Tring...Tring...On third ring, Shoaib attended the call, "Hello! Yes ACP Shoaib here. Sir, I am on my way. No Sir, duty comes first. Tomorrow 10 a.m sharp. Jai Hind Sir." "Zara, have you packed the dinner? It's time to leave."
Shoaib, the youngest ACP is called specially for the investigation of the murder of 22-year-old daughter of the renowned industrialist, Mr. Bedekar. Shoaib's diligence and his passion for his work earned him the high rank within a short span of time.
"Shoaib, it's a dark stormy night, please cancel the meeting. The deluge refuses to stop, it's pouring since morning, the hilly roads of Shimla, will be slippery with waterfalls, slides, mighty streams..and such risks." Zara, his wife said worriedly.
"Zara, duty comes first, imagine that mother who does not know why was her child killed? It's been a week, without an answer. Tomorrow the high officials meet is scheduled at 10 and I need to reach there early. Don't you worry dear, I will be alright. Most importantly, the stormy weather and terrain may not permit proper communication, but I will call you once I reach. Keep calm and take care of yourself and the little one."
Kissing a pregnant Zara, with a heavy heart, Shoaib vroomed off in his jeep.
"The downpour increased, such a scary dark stormy night, the thundering roars are deafening." Shoaib thought as he drove. Suddenly he noticed a young girl, waving to stop his car. With a screech, his car halted, "Hey who are you? What are you doing here at this hour? Get in."
The girl hurriedly got inside. The downpour completely drenched her, "Thanks, I am Trupti, my car broke down suddenly."
"But what are you doing here in this deluge?" Shoaib inquired.
"I was returning from my friend's birthday party at her farmhouse, but this heavy pour marred everything. Thank you for the much-needed lift," came her humble reply.
Her husky tone complemented her dusky skin. Her almond eyes mostly hiding behind her blonde locks. The invigorating fragrance emanating from her body engulfed Shoaib's car, even his mind. There is something suspicious of her, he thought. The perilous journey of hours seemed to end soon, as Shoaib dropped the girl near a Girls Hostel and 20 minutes later he reached the headquarter.
"Welcome Sir, Inspector Vidyut reporting. How did you manage the risky drive?" Inspector asked Shoaib offering him an umbrella.
"True but nothing can stop me when I am on duty." "Could you get some hot black coffee, till then I will just freshen up." Shoaib requested Vidyut. With a positive nod Inspector left the room.
Next morning, Shoaib was flipping through the unsolved case files. "Vidyut, so many unsolved cases? Give me the file of the murdered girl...what's her name?" Handing him the current case file Inspector replied, "I guess, Trupti." The name sounded familiar to Shoaib and he immediately flipped through the file pages. Shoaib sat flabbergasted as the picture of the murdered girl on that file page, matched with Trupti, whom Shoaib offered lift, last night.
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