The Chocolate Connection

He’s staring at the nameless packet open in front of him. It's one of his favourite chocolates but who’ll send it to him in this city? He is conscious that it could be harmful or might hamper his goodwill. However, he doesn’t know if this sender is a well-wisher or an enemy. He’s clueless but determined to find the sender.
He’s Arjun Shekhwat, a senior inspector in the Mumbai Police Force. Arjun has earned a lot of fame and made himself a sweet haven in Mumbai.
The next day, Arjun is at the police headquarters for an urgent meeting. He’s summoned by the higher officials to hand over a case and they want him to be undercover on this mission. Arjun agrees, but at the same time, he wants to uncover his secret admirer too.
Arjun goes to the cafe called Bibliocafe, where he’s supposed to meet his friend. He is amazed at how beautiful the place is, both inside and outside. It's a book cafe where you can hang out, eat, and read.
Books are like food for the soul.
The cafe is big enough to have space for both regular cafe seating and a library. The whole place is decorated with books and everything else that makes it feel like a different world. It's lively, with many young people around.
Arjun goes up the stairs and enters a large hall, also filled with books and comfortable seating. But today, the hall seems empty. He finds a table in the middle of the hall and direct moonlight is falling on it. He realises that his friend is playing a prank on him. As he looks around, he hears footsteps approaching, along with a feminine voice.
“We will make our brand of chocolates.”
“We will work on this project together.”
“You promised me to stay in touch. You’re in a place you’ve always dreamed of. And here’s the Delight Chocolates.”
She forwards a box of chocolates towards him. He’s amused to find his favourite chocolates. He could read a nametag on the box for AA’s Delight Chocolates.
“Yeah! Your childhood friend, Anahita.”
“Huh, I can’t just believe it. And what is all this about?” Arjun is surprised.
“Don’t you remember? You wanted to open a cafe with books and chocolates all in one place.” She says.
“You remembered?”
“Why won’t I remember? I was passionate about your dream, Arjun.” Anahita says.
Arjun is really amazed. He forgot about his dreams, but she remembered them. She worked hard to make his dreams come true. Anahita shares the story of tracking him down and sending chocolates, unveiling her new chocolate brand. The waiter then brings Arjun's favourite treats: red velvet cake, cappuccinos, and a cheese-burst pizza. The emotional revelation makes him realise the depth of Anahita's importance.
As their names are now connected, Arjun understands her message. Without uttering a word, he gently kisses her on the head and embraces her warmly. They’re finally united by their love for chocolate.