The Chosen Path

I rushed through the forest, trees scratching me from all sides. A pride of lions were roaring behind me. I kept running ahead. Now, you might ask me, why didn’t I climb one of the trees? Well, as soon as I climbed one, it would betray me by bending so much that I lost my grip and fell on my bottom.
I was alone with the lions, and this pride of lions was the most dangerous. They were called worries.
I jumped over a ditch and arrived at a fork. It was time to make a decision. Somehow I knew where the paths would take me and what they would yield. One would be harder yet more fruitful and the other would be easy but less rewarding.
I took the burdensome path which was labelled memoriae street. I knew the lions would take the other path because they always took the easy way. As I walked down the path, expecting some huge blades to come out, I saw a regular neighborhood. Through the windows of all the houses, I saw a younger kid having to eat his food independently for the first time, another staying home alone for the first time. I chuckled remembering those memories of me. But this was where the happiness ended. A kid crying because he had to sleep in his own room for the first time. Someone taking care of their hurt sibling when they were outside playing. A teenager soothing his mother who had just lost her husband. I saw a few more things like this, but stopped at the last house. There was a young man who was furiously revising lines for a job interview. I stared at him for five minutes and then rushed off. This path may not sound gruelling, but this path had emotional pain. Each house had hurt me emotionally, and emotional pain is worse than physical pain. I reached the end of the street, and then I heard low growling. Roooooooaaaaaaaaaar! The lions pounced out of the bushes. And suddenly , I roared louder than them, releasing all my worries and negative thoughts. It felt therapeutic. After I finished my roar, the lions vanished and I saw a hundred crore rupees in front of me. I rushed to it and…
I woke up.
I was in my room. It had been a dream, a meaningful one. It had shown me being chased by my worries, and like the trees, there was no one to support. I would have to do it independently. After all, it was my first job interview. I took a deep breath and dressed myself, ate my breakfast and hopped on my bike to the interview. It would be strenuous, but like the dream, I would take the difficult path.
An year later…
Now it was my turn to interview. Why? Because I was the new CEO of the company.
memoriae - the word means memory in Latin.
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