The Endless Autumn of Sunehri Ghati

Sharda Mishra posted under Carmine Short Stories on 2023-10-27

The Town Colored Gold In the town of Sunehri Ghati, nestled at the foot of the Whispering Mountains, there was a peculiar peculiarity—every season was autumn.  The perpetual golden-brown carpet of fallen leaves, the cool, crisp breeze carrying the scent of cinnamon and nutmeg, and the ever-present amber, orange, and deep red hues painted an eternal picture of autumn. No fresh buds of spring ever blossomed, no harsh winters ever chilled the bones, and the lazy warmth of summer was a tale long forgotten. Sunehri Ghati, with its cobblestone streets, was dotted with cottages having sloping roofs covered in perpetual layers of fallen leaves. At the town center was a quaint fountain, now dry, adorned with statues representing the four seasons — though the ones of winter, spring, and summer had long lost their vibrant hues. Parvati, a young and spirited artist, was among the few who still dreamed of witnessing the other seasons. She had grown up listening to her grandmother's tales of snowy landscapes and springtime blooms. Her vibrant imagination often clashed with the monochromatic palette of her surroundings. Parvati would paint surreal scenes of winter wonderlands and summer beaches, but even her canvas had slowly begun to be dominated by autumn's colors, for she had never seen anything else. Parvati often wore a locket, a memento from her grandmother. Inside it was a delicate painting of a winter landscape, a testament to a season she'd never experienced. Every time the weight of the locket pressed against her chest, she was reminded of her deep yearning to witness the snowflakes and icicles her grandmother so vividly described. One fateful morning, as Parvati set up her easel in the town square, she glanced up at the ancient oak tree, which stood tall and mighty, a silent witness to Sunehri Ghati's history. Among its myriad of russet and amber leaves, one stood out—a shade she'd never seen before, a dazzling peachy yellowed-pink. It seemed to shimmer, drawing her in with a magnetic pull. Curious murmurs filled the townsquare as more people from Sunehri Ghati noticed the anomaly. Parvati, with a heart full of wonder, reached up and plucked the leaf. Holding it against her canvas, she felt a rush of inspiration. With swift strokes, she painted a scene that was both familiar yet otherworldly, where the peachy yellowed-pink leaf was the protagonist.  As evening approached and Parvati's painting took shape, a sense of anticipation hung in the air. The town's folk began to wonder: was this leaf a sign? A beacon of change? Or perhaps a key to finding the lost Heart of Seasons — the Gem? Little did they know that the appearance of this unique leaf would set in motion a series of events that might finally break Sunehri Ghati's endless autumn cycle. And as the sun dipped below the horizon, casting the town in a warm orange glow, a mysterious traveler entered the town, drawn by tales of the unusual leaf. Whispers of the Past The sun had barely set when the people of Sunehri Ghati began congregating in the main square. Parvati’s peculiar peachy-yellowed-pink leaf had sparked more than mere curiosity. For many, it was a symbol of hope, a sign that the monotony of perpetual autumn might soon be broken. Amid the growing crowd, a mysterious figure slowly made his way to the front. Cloaked in deep red, with a hood shadowing his face, he moved with a graceful, purposeful stride. His deep blue eyes locked onto Parvati's painting, and he took a moment, absorbing every brushstroke. "I've seen this color before," he murmured, his voice rich and resonant. Parvati, intrigued, stepped closer. "Who are you?" He pulled back his hood, revealing a face with sharp features and raven-black hair, "I am Neil, a wanderer of sorts, a seeker of lost tales and forgotten truths." The crowd whispered among themselves. Every now and then, travelers did pass through Sunehri Ghati, but none quite as enigmatic as Neil. "You speak as if you recognize this hue," Parvati said, pointing to the leaf. Neil nodded. "That, dear artist, is a Whispering Leaf. Legend tells of its existence, but few have ever witnessed its unique colors." When first questioned about the leaf, Neil hesitated, his eyes scanning the crowd, weighing the consequences of revealing too much too soon.  “It's not just any leaf,” he began cryptically, “but it's a tale for another time.” The townsfolk exchanged anxious glances, sensing the depth of the mystery. Neil called the people closer, and under the soft glow of lanterns, began his tale. “Centuries ago, before the war broke out, when Sunehri Ghati still danced through the seasons, the Whispering Leaves were known to a select few. These leaves were said to embody the essence of lost times, moments that held significant power or emotion.” He paused, taking a deep breath. “The enchantment that traps your town in eternal autumn was more than just a simple spell. It was a moment of intense emotion, a collective desire of a woman in love with her man. The Heart of Seasons — the Gem, responded to this powerful yearning, and in doing so, it created a Whispering Leaf.” Parvati interjected, “So, you’re saying this leaf is a result of that moment? Why did it appear now?” Neil smiled, “That’s the mystery of the Whispering Leaves. They manifest when change is imminent. Their hues carry the weight of the past, and perhaps, the key to the future. And they do not appear arbitrarily. Their emergence is always a sign.” People murmured, their excitement palpable. “Does it mean the other seasons can return?” an elderly man questioned. Neil looked thoughtful. “That remains to be seen. However, my travels have led me to other towns that have experienced similar enchantments. With each, a Whispering Leaf appeared as a harbinger of change. In some towns, it meant renewal, in others, a challenge to overcome.” As Neil spoke, old Mr. Hari, the town's historian, interrupted, “We've been trapped once by someone’s desires. How do we know meddling with this isn't another trap?” The crowd murmured in agreement, their enthusiasm momentarily subdued by caution. Parvati felt a surge of determination. “Then we must understand what this leaf signifies for Sunehri Ghati.” The night deepened as Neil shared stories from his travels, of towns trapped in endless nights, of valleys where spring never arrived, and of islands in eternal twilight. With each story, the importance of understanding and respecting the power of nature and emotions became clearer. The gathering ended with a promise. Neil agreed to stay and help Sunehri Ghati decipher the message of the Whispering Leaf. In return, the townsfolk, led by Parvati, would aid him in his quest to collect more of these leaves, hopeful that in their hues lay the key to breaking the town’s enchantment. As the townspeople dispersed, heading to their homes, the night seemed different. The usual sense of resignation was replaced with hope. For the first time in centuries, there was a genuine belief that the perpetual autumn could be challenged, that the lost seasons could be reclaimed. And at the heart of this newfound hope was a singular, shimmering, peachy-yellowed-pink leaf. Journey to the Whispering Mountains With the dawn of a new day in Sunehri Ghati, the town was abuzz with whispers of the enigmatic traveler and the potential of the Whispering Leaf. Parvati and Neil, united in their quest, began preparations for a journey to the Whispering Mountains. It was believed that the heart of the enchantment, and possibly the Gem, lay there. Parvati's determination complemented Neil's knowledge. He had been to the mountains before, seeking tales and treasures, but the Heart of Seasons — the Gem, had always eluded him. "The mountains are not just a physical challenge," he warned. "They are steeped in magic, and every step can be a riddle." As they journeyed, differences in their personalities began to emerge. Parvati, deeply connected to Sunehri Ghati, often acted on impulse, her decisions driven by emotion and an urgent need to save her town. Neil, on the other hand, was methodical, his decisions borne from years of exploration and understanding of the magic that the mountains held. The duo set out, carrying with them the hope of an entire town. The journey was indeed as Neil had described. Each turn in the path seemed to present a puzzle, each clearer than the one before. The trees, all bearing autumnal hues, whispered secrets. The air, though crisp, carried warmth, hints of memories from a time before the enchantment. Their senses were continuously engaged. The scent of fresh earth mingled with the spicy aroma of fallen leaves, the soft padding of their footsteps echoed back from the dense woods, and the gentle rustling of the trees played a constant lullaby. On the sixth day, Parvati and Neil ventured deeper into the mountains, they stumbled upon clearings bathed in varying hues of autumn. Each clearing had a single tree at its center, and at the base of each tree was a leaf, distinct in its shade. There was warm green, signaling the end of summer, deep red resembling the fires of autumn evenings, and golden brown reminiscent of the first touch of the coming winter. With each leaf they collected, a story from the town's history unraveled. The warm green spoke of the last summer before the enchantment, a time of abundance and joy. The deep red sang tales of love, of heartbreak, of the passion that perhaps led to the town's unyielding desire for a prolonged autumn. The golden brown whispered of the apprehensions of the town's ancestors, their fears of the looming winter. On the seventh day, they reached the heart of the mountains, a valley where the trees seemed to be conversing, their leaves rustling even without the wind. In the center stood a grand, ancient tree, its bark darkened with age but glowing with a soft luminescence. At its base, shielded by roots, was a small cavity holding the mesmerizing Heart of Seasons — the Gem. Neil, with a steady voice, broke the trance, "We must make a choice. The Gem is offering us a chance to reshape the enchantment. We can reintroduce the other seasons, but we must also respect the deep bond Sunehri Ghati has with autumn." Parvati nodded, "Autumn will always be a part of us, but we need the balance of the other seasons. We must blend the hues, learn from our past, and step into a future where every shade has its time." With the Gem in her hand, Parvati and Neil channeled the memories and emotions of the leaves they had collected, crafting a new spell. The Gem pulsed brighter with each word, and as the enchantment was cast, a rush of wind swept through the valley. The Unexpected Happened As Parvati reached out, the Gem pulsed, and back at home in Sunehri Ghati things transformed. Sunehri Ghati was no longer trapped in the season of autumn, but witnessed the moment of changes. Parvati had invoked the Gem. The emotions were overwhelming among townsfolk—love, fear, desire, and regret—all converging. People felt relief from the weight of centuries of unchanging autumn, the collective yearning of their ancestors, and their town's deep-rooted connection to the season. The Enchantress of Seasons And then there she was.  Emerging from the woods was a woman of ethereal beauty, in front of Parvati and Neil. With auburn hair cascading like autumn leaves and eyes as deep as the winter night. Her presence was commanding, her aura exuding an ancient power. Parvati and Neil immediately recognized her from the legends – she was the Enchantress of Seasons.  Whispers filled the air, and a fragment of an old song sung by Sunehri Ghati's grandmothers echoed in Parvati's mind – a tale of an enchantress and a warrior's fleeting love, forever encased in the golden embrace of autumn. Enchantress walked straight to where Parvati and Neil stood, "I felt a shift in the magic," she began, her voice resonating like a gentle stream. "You've broken the cycle, reintroduced the lost seasons in Sunehri Ghati ." Parvati stepped forward, the Gem pulsating in her hand. "We wanted to restore balance. Sunehri Ghati deserved to experience every shade of time." The Enchantress nodded, a hint of sadness in her eyes as she narrated the story from the past: Hundreds of years ago, Sunehri Ghati was like any other town, experiencing the changing seasons in all their glory. People eagerly awaited the first snowfall, celebrated the blossoms of spring, and relished the sunny picnics of summer. However, everything changed after a woman’s heartbreak.  The lore was told in hushed tones around campfires and during bedtime stories. It was said that the woman of Sunehri Ghati had stumbled upon a rare gem during an expedition to find her lover into the Whispering Mountains who went to fight a war in autumn, but never returned. This gem, named the "Heart of Seasons," was believed to have the power to control the very cycle of season and bring back loved ones. Entranced by its beauty and potential, the woman decided to use the gem to extend her most beloved season—autumn. She believed that a longer autumn would bring back her lover, yield better crops, provide a comfortable climate, and keep them happy and prosperous. However, she underestimated the gem's power. Once invoked, the gem trapped the town in an endless loop of autumn. The woman quickly realized her folly, but by then, it was too late. Despite numerous attempts to reverse the enchantment, autumn remained steadfast, and the other seasons became mere myths. The woman who invoked the Heart of Seasons faced personal repercussions. Her once-close bond with her family and town fractured, as blame and regret permeated her relationships. Some say the woman disappeared into the Whispering Mountains, searching for a solution, never to return. The Heart of Seasons — the Gem was eventually lost, its location a mystery, never to be found again. Over the years, the people of Sunehri Ghati adapted to their unchanging environment. They harvested what the autumnal earth gave them, crafted clothes fit for the mild autumn chills, and found joy in the familiarity. Still, a sense of melancholy hung in the air—a collective yearning for the lost seasons. And the woman never got her lover back and silently regretted her actions. The Enchantress paused and lamented, “The enchantment was never meant to last forever. It was a product of deep emotions, a moment of intense love and heartbreak." Neil, curious, probed, "Whose emotions? Whose heartbreak?" A melancholic smile graced the Enchantress's lips, "Mine. That woman was me.” Parvati and Neil fell silent, their eyes fixed on the Enchantress. She continued, "Centuries ago, I fell deeply in love during a particularly beautiful autumn in this very town. It was passionate, consuming, but tragically short-lived.” Parvati's voice, filled with sympathy, responded, "Yet in holding onto that memory, many were robbed of their stories, their seasons." The Enchantress looked down, "Every leaf that fell, every golden hue was a memory of him. The war took him, but in my heart, it was always our season of love. My lover was called to war and never returned. Heartbroken, I sought solace in the only way I knew – through magic. I wanted to preserve the season of our love, to remain in that golden moment forever." Parvati, her voice soft, said, "But time needs to move, seasons need to change. Love is beautiful, but it shouldn't bind an entire town." The Enchantress looked at Parvati, her eyes moist, "I realize that now. Over time, the enchantment became my prison, a constant reminder of my loss. I wandered the earth, seeking to forget, but the perpetual autumn here was a chain I couldn't break." Neil took a step forward. "But now, with the balance restored, you're free. And so is Sunehri Ghati." The Enchantress nodded. "You've done what I couldn't. The Heart of Seasons responded to the collective emotions of this town, but it was my magic that amplified its effects." The Enchantress approached Parvati and gently took the Gem from her. Holding it up, the gem shimmered, reflecting all the hues of the seasons. "This belongs here," she said, placing it at the base of the town's ancient oak tree. The Gem settled in, its glow merging with the roots, securing the town's newfound balance. As the day gave way to evening, the Enchantress prepared to depart. "My time here is done. I must move on, embracing the flow of time, cherishing memories but not being chained by them." Parvati, her artist's heart always seeking stories, asked, "Will you ever return?" The Enchantress smiled, "Perhaps, when the leaves turn golden and the air gets crisp. After all, autumn will always be a part of me, just as it is a part of this town." With a swirl of her cloak, which shimmered in shades of every season, the Enchantress vanished into the woods, leaving behind a town reborn and a legend that would be told for generations. When They Returned Returning to Sunehri Ghati, Parvati and Neil were greeted with a sight they had only dreamed of—the first blossoms of spring. The town was alive with colors beyond the autumn spectrum, each hue representing a part of its history and hopes. The journey to the Whispering Mountains had not just reclaimed the lost seasons but had also unveiled the depth of Sunehri Ghati's identity. The town now stood as a testament to change, growth, and the beauty of every shade life has to offer. As spring bloomed in Sunehri Ghati, the atmosphere was electric. Laughter, joy, and anticipation filled the air. Children played under cherry blossoms, and couples strolled, cherishing the fresh scents and the gentle warmth. Sunehri Ghati, once trapped in a singular hue, now thrived in a symphony of colors. Each season brought its charm, but autumn remained special, a poignant reminder of love, loss, and the strength to move forward. And in the heart of the town, under the ancient oak, the Heart of Seasons pulsed gently, guarding the balance, ensuring that every shade had its time. Just as the leaves shed and make way for new growth, Sunehri Ghati had learned to let go of the past, cherishing memories but welcoming change. The shifting seasons became a testament to the town's resilience, a metaphor for life's inevitable ebb and flow. Months after the Enchantress's visit, Sunehri Ghati was not just transformed in landscape, but in spirit. The once-constant hues of autumn had given way to a rotation of vibrant colors. Flowers bloomed in spring, summer brought golden sunshine, and now, as autumn returned, it was embraced with a newfound appreciation. Winter loomed on the horizon, a season many had never witnessed. Parvati, with her artist's spirit, saw an opportunity. "We've reclaimed our seasons," she declared to the town council, "and now, as winter approaches, let's celebrate our journey. Let's host a festival that blends every hue we've experienced." As dawn broke, a soft layer of frost covered Sunehri Ghati. The air was crisper, the sky a clearer shade of blue. Parvati's painting was unveiled in the town square, setting the tone for the Winter Wonderland Ball that evening. Snowflakes, made of paper and shimmering cloth, hung from trees and rooftops. Lanterns cast a soft, ethereal glow, reminiscent of the tales of snowy nights. The ball was magical. People dressed in silvers and blues danced under the starry sky, their breaths visible in the cold air. And as the night deepened, something miraculous happened.  Delicate snowflakes began to drift from the sky, covering the town in a blanket of white. The first natural snowfall in centuries, it was as if nature itself was celebrating with Sunehri Ghati. Time flourished, with each season bestowing its unique charm upon Sunehri Ghati. The children who had once known only the rustling leaves of autumn, now danced in summer rains, built winter snowmen, and chased spring butterflies.  In the years that followed, Parvati became more than just an artist; she evolved into a storyteller and historian for Sunehri Ghati. Her works captured not only the town's visual transformation but its emotional journey. Every brushstroke was imbued with a story, every color chosen was symbolic of a particular emotion. She held workshops, inviting young minds to weave tales of their own, ensuring that the town's rediscovery of its identity would be remembered for generations to come. Parvati, gracefully aged with wisdom, immortalized her odyssey. She, in her twilight years, painted a grand mural on the library's walls, depicting her journey from the unyielding autumn to the vibrant present.  Sunehri Ghati, once trapped in a single season, had now become a town of legacy and foresight. A town that not only celebrated its past but also looked forward to the future with hope and determination. The Festival of Shades continued, but now, alongside it was the Day of Whispers, a day dedicated to reflection, learning, and dreaming of the future.   Penmancy gets a small share of every purchase you make through these links, and every little helps us continue bringing you the reads you love!