The Ephemeral Bliss

Birbhanu Singh posted under Tale-a-thlon S4: Poetry on 2024-08-31

Why must the fleeting joys of life depart,

Like morning mist that fades in golden light.

Or velvet blooms that wither in the night,

And swiftly tear the tender, yearning heart?

Do stars not dim when dawn’s bright rays do start?

And roses, kissed by fire, lose their bright might?

So why do dreams, like shadows lost in flight,

Leave echoes faint within the mind’s faint chart?


In nature’s dance, where fire and ice entwine,

The stillness of the frost meets flames that shine.

If joy were endless, would its charm prevail?

Only a fleeting flare leaves its bright trail!

In glowing hues, the heart finds purest gold;

Always in shifting light beauty unfolds!!!