The Fan Club

Aarthi Karanam posted under QuinTale-71 on 2025-02-23

Raghav was a celebrity and he was grateful that at a young age, his music touched millions and he had achieved almost all of his dreams. But fame came with a price and that was to lose his privacy and peace of mind. Tired of it all, one day, he shocked his manager by asking him to postpone all his commitments and escaped to his palatial estate in the sleepy village of Somvarpuri.

He had strictly instructed his staff to keep his identity a secret. Confident of his anonymity, he stepped out into the cool crisp air of a promising morning. The birds chirped endlessly and as if in tandem, his stomach rumbled.

Grinning, he stepped into the only eatery of the village, "Appu idly Center.”

Aroma of hot idlies and sambhar wafted towards him and he licked his lips in anticipation.

"Saar, can I get you something?"

Startled, Raghav turned towards the voice. There stood in front of him a young man, with the most stunning smile he had ever seen. His mouth slowly opened as he took in those sparkling eyes that were smiling too.

"Saar?" Said that musical voice, jolting Raghav came back to his senses.

" Ye..yes" Raghav stuttered, his usually calm, confident demeanor, now a confused mess, "A plate of idlis, the sambhar and chutney on the side please?"

As Raghav ate his breakfast, the boy introduced himself, "I am Krishna. The owner of this place is my old uncle who fell down the stairs and broke his leg. I am here to help him out for some days."

It turned out Krishna had a penchant for talking non-stop. He was also a boy who couldn't sit still at all. Whenever there was a lull in the diner, Krishna busied himself with sketching, dancing lessons on YouTube and many things more.

Raghav was fascinated by him and tried to spend all his time there with him, sometimes even helping him with serving the customers.

Today, both of them were sitting in companionable silence. Raghav was quietly working on his new song while Krishna was making faces at his phone.

Raghav looked up to see Krishna narrowing his eyes and sticking a pink tongue out.

"What are you even doing?"

"Learning acting online." Krishna said mechanically.

 Abandoning his work, Raghav dragged his chair nearer and stared at the boy.

Krishna was now widening his eyes and trying to explode into anger., but ended up looking cute, super cute.

The idol, the heartthrob of many a heart, now found himself drawn towards this simple, unassuming boy with the brightest eyes, the sweetest smile and the cutest personality ever.

Their eyes met and heat pooled in the pit of his stomach. The boy must have felt something too for he extended his hand and Raghav immediately grabbed it.

"You are so cute!" Krishna whispered as Raghav smiled brilliantly.

For, this was the first time, somebody had called the hottest idol as merely cute!