The Few Hours Before Dawn

Latha Prakash posted under QuinTale-65 on 2024-07-12

The clouds shattered. Raindrops similar to shards of glass pierced the ground, leaving indentations on it. It felt like the agonized sky freed itself of the misery. Nestled in a corner of the dingy room, pulling my knees to my chest, I closed my eyes. A shriek similar to the howl of a wounded animal pierced through the darkness. Bouts of fear trickled down my spine. I clutched the shackles that bound me to a wall and hollered for help. My lips quivered and my throat went dry. 

"It's going to be okay." I heard another familiar voice. 
The words calmed me. I felt reassured. Another shriek terrified me. It was louder and scarier than the previous one. 
"I can't do this," she spoke, her voice capturing the heaviness of defeat. 

The voice that once gave me the courage to combat the unknown swaddled in despair. Puddles of sweat gathered on my forehead. Was she giving up on me? My beacon of hope and only source of strength was tumbling down the rabbit hole. Darkness slithered toward me. The ground slipped from beneath me as I floated in the eerie waters.  

"Don't worry. I will always be by your side," I yelled with all my might.
But a sudden flurry of activity stifled my effort. The raucous voices gave me jitters. My heart pounded against my chest. I felt life plummet out of me. Blood surged through me like a bullet train. There was a sudden jerk, and it felt like I was being transported. Blood-curdling shrieks ensued. With my palms pressed against my ears, I clenched my jaws. Hope flickered and faith dwindled as the light at the end of the tunnel turned dim. Everything around me turned foggy. 

"You are my sweet little popsicle," I imagined her singing.

My legs began to swing lazily. Air gently left my nose. I was about to fall asleep when I felt a tug. Cold metallic claws seized my feet. A misty sensation gripped my skin. I flinched. A putrid stench churned my stomach, and I cried out, kicking my legs in the air. A precise snip and I wasn't shackled anymore.

Suddenly, I felt a soothing breeze ruffle the tendrils on my forehead. Bright yellow rays fell on my eyes. I squinted and saw her cradling my head in her arms. Warmth from her skin percolated into mine. Salty beads dribbled from her eyes and landed on my cheeks. Unbridled happiness rushed through me. 
People walked in and spoke in loud voices. But I wasn't perturbed by the chaos. The cacophony felt like a jumble of musical notes. I flashed a toothless grin as she held my hand. With her by my side, I had nothing to fear.

"Thank you for choosing to be my mother," I gurgled, hoping my emotions would thrum her heartstrings.
She smiled. At that moment, I noticed a picturesque rainbow painting the sky. Everything felt more beautiful than before.