The First Tryst

The day I met you on 4th of July,
Phosphenes swirled with an aura bright,
Every hue of kaleidoscope felt shy!
Raindrops waltzed, euphoria floated high,
Cheeks turned crimson enamoured by your sight,
The day I met you on 4th of July !
Your enticing smile with a glance so sly,
Made even stars wistfully await the Jewel of night,
Every hue of kaleidoscope felt shy!
For my hideous past, every unheard cry,
I found you as a savior, my armoured Knight,
The day I met you on 4th of July!
Skeptical mind made an attempt to deny,
But the way you embraced me tight,
Every hue of kaleidoscope felt shy!
Every fragment of me felt light, Oh my,
A tryst so gentle at a timing so right,
The day I met you on 4th of July,
Every hue of kaleidoscope felt shy!
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