The Funambulist

Bhavna Kaushik posted under PenMuse-34 Poetry on 2021-10-15

Audience applauds as he climbs blindfolded on wire Born to skywalk on a tightrope, daredevil moves Carrying an extra-long balancing pole Dangling on dizzying heights, he concentrates  Easing tension, gaining confidence, smiles inwards Funambulist looks forward to his goal Gradually shifting centre of gravity Holding his breath, he steadies his gait, balances weight Inching ahead, he bends his knees to lower hips Jubilant world watches with bated breath, he sways King of the high wire walks majestically Lives perilously, following ancestor's steps Maintaining balance riding cycle on high-wire Nik Wallenda is on tightrope to break records Over the Grand Canyon, Niagara Falls Pacing perfectly on turning Ferris Wheel, the  Quest to conquer claimed tall towers, mighty platforms Rising star teamed to form pyramids on high-wire Sensational stunts, sans safety kits on steel wires   The seventh-generation Funambulist Undaunted by death emulates grandfather's feat Volcano Nicaragua, Nik’s longest walk Wallenda creates History, he defines the X-factor of the Acrobatic family  Yes, said Eren, Nik proposed on one knee on wire  Zen is the feeling he describes after each coup. Penmancy gets a small share of every purchase you make through these links, and every little helps us continue bringing you the reads you love!