The Happiness Pixie

Saravjot Hansrao posted under Flash Fiction QuinTale-19 on 2020-05-27

Splish-Splash, splish-splash went her boots as she hustled towards the tiny dwelling cosily tucked into the old Oak tree’s bosom. It was the middle of the forest, the cover of a green blanket spread all around. Pitter-patter, pitter-patter poured the raindrops, creating puddles on. They fell to the ground, cooling Mother Earth and as they hit the ground, the raging murmur sounded like the buzzing of angry bees. Amidst the mayhem of nature, trotted down Peony, trut, trut, trut, enjoying the puddles, bouncing through the splendour, soaking it all in and not stopping to take cover anywhere.  “Oh!... Ahhh!, home sweet home”, Peony let out a heavy grunt as she caught sight of the old Oaktree. The loud squish-squash of her shoes indicated the urgency in her stride. She hastened to undo the gleaming purple rubber shoes, which were now getting itchy and intolerable.  Plonk.....bummmm and finally she landed into the warmth of the feathery bedcovers with a steaming cup of hot chocolate to warm up!  “Who says it is all fun and frolic in a pixie’s life?”  “It is especially hard being the “Happiness Pixie”. That too in the current trying times when the world is caught up in fighting some kind of weird creature that they say is visible only to experts in scary-looking outfits and masked faces”, Peony let out a grunt. Slurpppppp...Slurpppppp went Peony’s tongue, licking the dripping hot chocolate from the corners of her mouth.  She couldn’t believe that after a long day at work, she was still left with the energy to talk out loud.  “Well, a Happiness Pixie has the daunting task of delivering happiness to any creature who honestly wishes for it. It was especially difficult to satisfy human beings”.  “In the present daunting times, my job was quadrupled because suddenly the whole of the world was desperately seeking happiness at the same time”.  “No”, she sighed! “It wasn’t that happiness eluded people, it was just that they took the simpler things in life for granted.” “To give you an example”, Peony continued explaining out aloud, as if talking to the universe, “Young Mr Rotterman returned to his parents’ home after four long years. Now he is stuck because this ‘invisible’, ‘dangerous’ and ‘mysterious’ creature”, forced down everything to close”  “All offices, entertainment and public life were shut.” “Everyone has to stay confined to their homes....this was what young Mr Rotterman is finding very difficult. He complains loudly,  wheezing and whining the whole day. All he does is walk around the house, going plop-plonk into the couch.” Even Peony heard him bawling, “I miss the normal life”.  “So, Folks” here begins my job. I steer thoughts towards the happy frame in life. I cupped my hands around my mouth from outside the Rotterman’s house and whispered, “Happy times are near you. You are not stuck, you are safe.” “You are living the normal’s just that you aren’t habitual of seeing the family around. Get up and get going!”  Not everyone responded in one go and Peony had to redo the whole happiness session again with a whiff of the ‘Pixie Dust’ and then it seemed worth the final result.  Happy faces and satisfied souls...searching for happiness in everyday chores!


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