The Intriguing Blue Door

The rain slashed the window panes, the wind howled, and the cool atmosphere created a horror movie effect.

The effect matched David's mood as he prepared to leave his childhood home. He had moved all his belongings to the new house, and it was his last night in this property.

His diary was his darkest secret holder, it had all his secrets. Picking it up from the bedside table, he opened it sitting upright from the bed.

He opened a random page and took his pen. With a moment of stillness and a sigh, he jotted across the line – To New Beginnings.

He kept staring at it for a minute and continued writing - I am moving to a new place tomorrow, and I hope it will give me new memories and new things to relish and carry on with my life - with an afterthought, he ended it with this sentence – I hope, it brings me luck.

Closing the diary, he resolved to leave behind the sorrow of leaving his childhood home and move forward. As he drifted to sleep, his mind weaved stories of the future.

The next day was spent arranging the new house and unpacking boxes. He made himself a chicken sandwich for lunch, along with a pot of freshly brewed coffee and took it to his favourite place in the house.

The house had an open terrace, and it also served as a big balcony and opened into a vast garden landscape with loads of flowering trees and plants, On one side there were buildings of all the old architectural styles from France, Italy and Greece.

So, it was a good place to spend some relaxed evenings or afternoons sipping tea or coffee with some pastries or savories'.

David was a celebrated chef in a nearby Italian restaurant and had a dream of opening his restaurant and pasty shop sometime in the future and he worked towards his dream day after day.

With his sandwich and coffee in hand, he walked out onto the terrace, sat in the chair, and took a bite. As he sipped his coffee, something caught his eye in the distance, something he hadn't noticed before.

He noticed a yellow and white arched doorway with a blue door and a Vespa scooter parked across it. The wall looked freshly painted and the blue scooter sparkled like it was recently polished. It stood out against the vibrant exterior, and David looked on and pondered who would come out of the door and drove the scooter.

He kept waiting, even after finishing off his lunch, slowly returning to the chair, he slowly slipped into a stupor. It was late evening when he woke up from his revive. Forgetting about the door and scooter, he went into the house, scolding himself for losing out on the time at hand, and got himself busied with the work half finished before his lunch.

He often wondered about the person who rode the scooter as he went about his daily routine. The scooter and door changed color with the seasons, when he looked at the blue door, sometimes it was bright, sometimes it looked faded, sometimes it sparkled, sometimes it was totally black, and the scooter also seemed to dance with colors, depending on the day and time, yet he had still not caught sight of the person or anybody coming out. 

One winter evening, when the sun had set in the late afternoon, his friend Gregory had visited him, as it was David's day off.

It was a hazy afternoon with rainy clouds and gloomy. The friends chose to drink, a strong drink by the fireplace, built by David himself, on the open terrace. They sat around the fire, drank, talking and reminiscing their friendship.

David noticed a familiar movement, got up, leaned against the terrace wall, and gazed affectionately at the blue door and scooter while sipping his drink. Wondering what had caught David´s attention, Gregory got up and went towards him.

He remained still and didn’t answer, so Gregory shook him and asked, “What are you looking at mate?”

David, didn’t move his head from the sight and just answered, pointing his finger, “Do you see that yellow wall, with the curved white railings and a blue door and the blue Vespa parked next to it?”

Gregory, looked in the direction he pointed and replied baffled, "Where, mate? I don’t see any blue scooter or door."