The Labyrinth of Love

Moonmoon Chowdhury posted under Tale-a-thlon S4: Poetry on 2024-08-31

 I ponder love’s innate, elusive course,

As covert feelings stream into the core,

And stupor overtakes the mighty door,

Of mind and soul, with passion’s gentle force.

I reflect on love’s nameless, frosted source,

As fervid yearnings swell, bereft of shore,

I ponder love’s fate 'midst reverses sore –

Whether it yields, or blooms without remorse!


Amour unravels mazy, mystic ways,

 Its source and crux meander ‘tween domains,

It stirs up umpteen musings ‘bout the daze,

Enigma still enshrouds its speckled veins,

When darkness feasts on love’s vanilla days,

Its tears nourish conviction’s frayed terrains.