The lanes of my life

Shailaja Pai posted under Guest Posts PenMuse-07 Poetry Villanelle on 2019-05-24

I plod through the smiles, the laughter and the pain As I wander through the winding streets of life I stumble, I fall, yet I always rise again. To please them all I endeavour, alas always in vain To be a good mother and a caring, worthy wife I plod through the smiles, the laughter and the pain. Expectations weigh me down, I slump under the strain I juggle hats too many,  in this circus they call life I stumble, I fall, yet I always rise again Undeterred I stand, in the sunshine and in rain Each time I emerge stronger, after every struggle and strife. I plod through the smiles, the laughter and the pain. At times a path of fragrant roses, at times a thorny lane These are the streets I have to walk, it's my trek, it's my life I stumble, I fall, yet I always rise again. A meaningful journey I wish to make, on these roads insane To ever smile if the path is smooth or if stones prick like a knife I plod through the smiles, the laughter and the pain I stumble, I fall, yet I always rise again. _____________ For more of such content, please follow us: