The Last Lesson

Birbhanu Singh posted under Tale-a-thlon S4: Poetry on 2024-08-13

The sheep drift like clouds, too far and wide,
But how to guide them, what is all required?
Come close, young lad ! I'll unveil the path.
These fields I know as the lines on my palm.
Watch the shifting sun, heed the singing wind,
And know your flock as you know yourself.
Your hands are weathered, your steps are burdened,
How long will you endure this sheep-affair?
These bones are fragile, my time is ending!
But under your watch, the flock will flourish.
Keep vigil at dawn and dusk as they roam,
Guide them safe to the shelter of the fold.
Now I grasp the art of tending to them,
Thank you for this counsel, my guiding star!