The Legacy of Longing

Urmi Chakravorty posted under PenMuse-46 Poetry on 2022-11-19

The diaphanous sheets susurrate against the onyx parchment As I gently turn the dog-eared pages of our mothballed album – The treasured cache of moments and memories of bygone days  Conserved, before the scythe of Time mows us down. As I gently turn the dog-eared pages of our mothballed album I chance upon ‘him’ – self-assured, charismatic, articulate -  The 2 a.m. buddy and confidant to my nerdy, antsy, teenaged self.  Cupid struck, but with a slanted dart…and he, forever, remained unscathed. The treasured cache of moments and memories of bygone days   Enshrouds the wringing, wrenching, carmine landscape of my heart, Crisscrossed by a breadcrumb trail of wistful longing, Glossed over by the voguish masquerade of marital bliss! Conserved, before the scythe of Time mows us down, These metaphors of yesterday blend with my fragile todays And gossamer tomorrows; and together, they help me weave The warp and weft of my soul’s fractured tapestry.    Penmancy gets a small share of every purchase you make through these links, and every little helps us continue bringing you the reads you love!