The Love of My life

You used to be the elixir of my life,
When you were always there and totally mine,
That was my life's most blissful time.
From holding hands to touching my heart,
When a mere glimpse of yours was enough to make my face shine,
You used to be the elixir of my life.
Being my support in all my dreams,
When you were the only one whom I can look up for hope,
That was my life's most blissful time.
Listening to all my problems and helping me overcome them,
When you proudly use to say that She is mine,
You used to be the elixir of my life.
You brought with you an energy for me to thrive,
Breaking the monotony in my life you were alike the seasoning of lime,
That was my life's most blissful time.
Now even if you have chosen a different path for your life,
You are still with me through your memories and the last lesson you gave,
You used to be the elixir of my life,
That was my life's most blissful time.
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