The Maiden Rendezvous

The horizon arrayed hues of crimson and grey. A tiny bead landed on Aarti's fluttering eyelids. The clouds shattered and a congregation of raindrops caressed her skin. A fleeting smile danced on her lips. She let go of Vishwath's hand and ran towards the other end of the street.
"Be careful," Vishwath's voice trembled.
She nodded blissfully. Stretching her arms wide, she embraced the gleaming droplets of silver as they gushed in a rhythmic pattern. Playfully striking the muddy water, her feet created motifs. Her anklets jingled in harmony with the thrumming raindrops. Vishwath captured the effervescence of his daughter and his eyes misted.
"I wish I could witness nature's magnificence," Aarti had said with her eyes closed as she tried to soak in the aroma of the flowers dancing in the rain.
"I have only read about it. The writers call it magic," her voice turned low as she stopped those tears from making an appearance.
Vishwath ran his trembling hand through her hair wondering if her wish would ever be fulfilled. Visual impairment had walloped Aarti at an early age. The doctors had used an incomprehensible term to explain Aarti's condition leaving Vishwath and his wife dumbstruck.
"Corneal transplant could restore her eyesight," the doctor's words were the only beacon of hope that helped them traverse the dark tunnel.
The droplets drummed against the tin roof breaking his reverie. He saw that the kids from the neighboring shanty surrounded Aarti. Their feet swayed faster than the transparent globules provoking a face-off. With a cautious smile writ over his lips, he walked towards her. Aarti retreated to a corner, knelt on the ground, and stared at a leaf intently.
"Get up, Aarti," he said and held her hand.
"These tiny pearls resting on the leaves are a delight to watch," warm tears blended with the drops cascading down her cheeks.
Her fingers took a tour of the leaves and flowers while she winked at the kids trying to sneak out of the umbrella. He looked into those expressive eyes that had once coaxed him into holding onto hope. Droplets of rain dribbled down his fingers as he gently stroked them. Her smile seemed to brighten the otherwise gloomy evening. Looking at the sky, he muttered a silent thank you to the benevolent soul who bestowed on Aarti the gift of eyesight.
"Let's go home. Your mother is waiting for you," he finally spoke.
Aarti pirouetted her way down the alley. He tried to maintain the pace. His knees weren't stronger like before but her exuberance motivated him to fight against all odds.
"Rains have always been about sound and odor to me. I have been experiencing the monsoon for years now. And, today as I witness it for the first time, it feels euphoric," she smiled.
She embarked on a new journey, trying to absorb all the magic, and not closing her eyes even for a second.
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