The Pandemic

Rrafika Rangwala posted under Guest Posts Poetry on 2020-04-06

Long silent roads Pindrop silence in residential areas  The admiring sunrise in addition sunset too The melodious sound of  leaves on a tree The pet animals dog, cat, squirrel, monkey  All are alert What has happened? Why there is no sign of human beings?

On the other hand  Human being is continuously surviving in fear "Corona",the Pandemic situation

After a fortnight man has learned to be civilised  To live with non-violence To be patient, adjustive cooperative with family members

Though its a crisis all over the world We can't defeat nature But it definitely has taught How to behave with mother earth for our best survival  Evaluate yourself, analyse yourself About good and bad, Talents and Calibre Strengths and weakness The most important is dependence  How much you are dependent on others or places or things  Life can be utmost beautiful  with Healthy body, sound mind, loveable heart Loyal soul A family with Scented relations Food, shelter and clothes Extreme of everything leads to destruction  Running behind money, success, Involving in unnatural competitiveness  Wasting energy in rude emotions like arrogance, jealousy, insecurity, possessiveness  Are all of  no use Happiness resides in you only You have to search it No one is going to serve you Learn some lesson and values from this Pandemic crisis. _


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