The Pause

At the first look, one might feel deceived by the limited number of pages that this book contains. However, let that not stop you from picking it up anyways. This book is deliberated towards making you pause, reflect and contemplate upon the experiences that life throws at you. This book is a treasure trove that contains seven short stories, each a reflective journey of real to life characters etched out by the author.
The best part about the book is that each story is independent of each other but the only common thread binding them is hope, survival, courage.
Sharing in brief a summary of each of the seven sagas which long lingered in my heart.
1) A Day in a Superheroes Life- Living through a terminal illness, waiting to deteriorate every day, the protag finds power in going on. The ray of hope doesn't end because he wants to offer it to his even more powerful mother who strives on in the hope of her son's survival. The author's portrayal of the struggle is so real that it clings to your heart.
2)Thursday's Adventures- One of my personal favourites. Little Mili's book reading journey towards self-discovery tugged my heart. It is powerful to observe how reading overshadows all other unacceptable predicaments in her life. One particular thing that stood out for me through the story were the interspersing ' dictionary words' to describe Mili's feelings. It kind of etched a deeper emotional impact and pulled me deeper into this tale!
3) Phoenix Rising- This one was a poignant tale of rising from the ashes, literally. On several occasions in life, I've connected with the phoenix bird and imagined myself rising from the ashes. Though I've never been subject to physical abuse and gas-lighting, this story made me feel proud of Meera. She finally decided to stand up for her own worth and not adhere to the opinions of the judgemental society around her. Kudos to you Meera and more power to you.
4) The Other man- The narrative brings forth a new perspective towards life. Clinging on the edges between life and death, the engaging and transforming conversation between two men who accidentally run into each other is brilliantly sculpted. The wry humour used by the author in an otherwise hopeless situation is priceless.
5)Tangerine- is definitely my second most favourite mainly because of the presence of the purr...ey pet... I went Aaaaawwwwwww.... Shalini's revival from the low due to the very presence of Tangerine makes it a heart-warming tale of love and Light.
6) One and a Half minute- Exceptionally hard hitting tale that wrenches the heart. The 26/11 backdrop portraying the Gateway and Taj attacks in Mumbai. What I loved of the author's portrayal of a common man and his struggles. That one part when the death count of the Motar is not even accounted for made me jolt into reality. Such an emotional impact that etches the permanence of death and continuity of life.
7)Null and Void- Suvarna's journey of transition from the bubbly college girl to the timid home maker where she tides through physical abuse and gas-lighting before she finally breaks the shackles to rise high, fly higher and acquire true freedom is powerfully depicted through this tale. I always love it when women showcase their inner power to emerge as winners against all odds. Makes it a satisfying read.
Hats off to Monica Singh for her versatility as a writer. Having known her as someone who critically reviews works of other writers to perfection, it is no wonder when a treasure trove is stirred to be presented before the readers. Once you pick the book, you will not settle until it's completely read. That's because the tales are inspired by real life, real characters, real life situations and adds the most important element of hope towards the end offering a new beginning. Close to the Soul kind of stories. Must read.
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