The Prolific Rostrum

“You are the answer to my dream. And I’m glad that our paths crossed; that my eyes caught sight of you.”
Tara felt her goosebumps rise as she penned those words on the blank page of her digital notepad. She was in a quandary and thought over the idea a hundred times. Finally, Tara decided to unclip her thoughts and set them free. She has been jotting her thoughts since her sprouting years. Yet, failed to muster her guts to share it with her friends and peers. There was no definite reason for her hesitation. She simply refrained, for, she thought the world might not grasp her bizarre thoughts.
Until one day, a prolific rostrum came to her rescue.
“Wow! This is simply awesome. I’m happy I ventured the unknown territories and stumbled upon such a furry rostrum.” Tara marked and kept it safe under her bookmarks. She wanted to explore its elements at ease. And when she finally managed to steal some moments of ease from her life, she unravelled the aspects of the rostrum. She instantly fell in love with its features and attributes.
“Should I approach the rostrum? Will it befriend me?” Tara was hesitant. “I’ll be a misfit; a black spot on its mien. My presence might cause a farce. Nah, I should just forget about it.”
The charisma of the rostrum though was irresistible. Despite several warnings to the self, Tara found herself drawn towards it. Finally one fine day, she decided to approach the rostrum. Discomfiture grasped her mind but she ignored the dithers and stepped forth. To her surprise, Tara was instantly welcomed with open arms. She was then introduced to a special coven; an essential part of the rostrum. And that marked the beginning of a new friendship.
Tara began her journey and shared her thoughts fearlessly. She embraced every element of the rostrum and its coven. At times, she hesitated but the adore she received from the rostrum, kept her going. She even received words of praise and gifts of appreciation. Their bond grew stronger with each passing day. And through the rostrum and its coven, Tara befriended several inspiring and awesome humans. She felt the positive vibes even in the darkest hours of a hectic day.
One day, she confided to the rostrum, “I’m not an ardent believer, but maybe God has his way. He made me meet you for a good reason. He wanted to restore faith in me.”
The rostrum and its humble coven cheered in glee.
Tara continued, “I feel blessed, for, you appreciated and supported me, heartily. You corrected my faults and guided me to better. The knowledge you shared came as a lesson. You taught me to believe in myself. You instilled confidence and assured that my thoughts aren’t uncanny. I am a novice but I promise to learn and extend my support to the rostrum and its coven of master writers.”
The rostrum; my new friend. I’m glad we met. Thank you, dil se.
Dil se- from the heart
Rostrum- a raised platform(Used to signify Penmancy)
Authors note:
This is a tribute to Penmancy, and to each and everyone at Write.Read.Support. I couldn’t find a better word than Rostrum to denote Penmancy. I mean no offence. Please pardon if it does.
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