The Puffin's Nest

Brenda had just finished her office work and was taking a stroll in front of her flat, When she ,got a call from Ron, her husband. " Brenda please make the preparations for our new journey. We are going to leave in a week for our second anniversary . I am coming home in sometime . I will discuss about the trip with you."

Both Brenda and Ron were settled in Brno . They were basically expatriates . They had come and settled in Brno after their marriage. Ron was already placed here for the past eight years before he got married to Brenda. Brenda was posted at Dusseldorf, Germany . Both had met each other on an online matrimonial site. They had found their choices to be similar. One thing that connected them both was their passion about traveling to different places.

Before they got married , they visited many places in Europe including Spain together. Their parents lived in Kolkata . They visited Dusseldorf ,before Brenda got married and travelled to many places in Europe. Ron had suggested them about the best places to stay and they were amazed at his choice. They had loved the hotel at Switzerland the best.

Brenda was excited to learn about the place that Ron had selected this time for them to visit.She stormed Ron with her questions ,as soon as he entered home. " So where are we going? For how many days are we going for? Do we need to buy some stuff? ". For Brenda was aware that when Ron felt like going out for his adventures trips, he would at times forget to pack up the bare essentials. She recalled an incident when ,one day she had stepped out of home and was heading towards the nearest departmental store to buy some sugar and was taken for a surprise ride to the hills by Ron.

Brenda was born in Ramagundam , a remote town in Andhra Pradesh, but had a great knack to travel and visit many places nationally and internationally.Thus when Ron announced that " We are going to Iceland to spend a week long vacation ,she was extremely surprised


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