The Rain Dance

The dance class wore a deserted look. It was pouring cats and dogs. Flooded subways, submerged train tracks, muddy puddles, halted traffic, and drenched roads, all added upto the chaotic and usual monsoon sight in Mumbai city. The Rainbow Dance Academy witnessed missing students today. Heavy rainfall meant the absence of students, teachers, staff, and everyone. All, except Diya and Yash.
Diya walked into the academy all soaked in the rain. The droplets of water kissed her soft skin, adding more beauty to her innocent childlike face. As she shut her umbrella, a gush of rainwater fell like a shower of cascade onto Yash's face. "Oh gosh," he remarked, startled. "I am so sorry, is that you Yash?" Diya mumbled in a soft tone, thinking about what to say next. Before Diya could speak further, Yash began talking. "How did you make it to the Academy, Diya? I mean it's a really heavy downpour. And nobody's here today, I think we both are the only dedicated students of this academy," Yash said with a chuckle.
"Let's dance together. Let's practice, let's beat the monsoon blues. Let's make music and dance our life today," Diya said with a pause in her voice as if trying to gauge Yash's reaction. Yash took a deep breath and went a step closer to Diya. "There's no electricity and music, I shall playa melody over my phone if you insist we dance today," Yash quipped in a softer tone. Diya smiled. She caught Yash's hand and opened up the windows of the dance academy. "I will show you what music is all about Yash. Just hold my hand and jump to the tunes of the monsoon."
Thus began a salsa dance to the tunes of the rainwater gushing down through Mumbai city. 'Tip Tippi Tip, Tip,' the drops rolled from the window pane. Two hands entwined and moved their legs to the rhythm of the droplets. 'Thudddd, Thuddddd' shouted the thunder, adding graceful lifts and twists to the dance. 'Coo Cooo Cooo' sang the drenched birds, marking a subtle pause, and again the action of finer moves in the dance. 'Dum Dum Dum' rolled the water from the tiny leaves, leaving vibrant expressions on the dancers face. 'Gushhhh, Gushhhhh, Gushhhhh' swirled the strong but cool breeze, giving a beautiful stance to the salsa dance. The doors and the windows banged slowly, giving rise to a soothing symphony. The wind grew furious and made the trees sway here and there. 'Zoooom, Zoooom, Zoooom' bounced the trees making Diya and Yash take quicker steps.
A group of birds took shelter in the dance academy. 'Furrrr, Furrrrr Furrrr' they twisted their feathers, as they tried to dry themselves. Diya and Yash swayed all around the dancing hall. 'Drooom, droooom' came the sound, like that of a drum, when the droplets fell over the parked cars, making Diya and Yash take a final embrace and a bow.
Diya and Yash touched each other's faces. They heard the monsoon dance within their souls today. They smiled as if they saw what they couldn't see all their lives. Blind Yash and Diya saw the beauty of monsoon unfold in the darkness of their eyes. They hugged each other.
The rainbow dance academy for the Blind, saw a union of love, in its purest form ever.
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