The Rainy Saga

The two frogs were not the only ones breathing a sigh of relief when the rain poured down in all its splendour. Numerous creatures, popular and not-so-popular ones came out of their hiding places to welcome the much-needed downpour. Everyone’s sensorial yearnings, now stretched to the limit by the harsh summer, welcomed the petrichor and the melodious music pouring out from rooftops, glass panels, etc.
“Croak, croak….,” Dev’s harsh voice cut through the stillness around, like a knife slicing a cake.
“Oh! Stop calling me again and again dear, what is it now?” Avni’s croaky outburst frightened the life out of the water snakes, who quickly hid themselves in the slushy depths of the large puddle.
“Look, what I found here!” he said, pointing to a boat. “But I do wonder how someone can sit on this. This is too small.” Dev’s big eyes bobbed incredulously.
“Silly! It’s a boat made by children. They do it in every rainy season. Today, I heard a squish-squash sound while you were resting this afternoon. I stuck my head out to see two little boys, wearing those big black things on their legs, crouching down near our home and laughing. I put on some make-up and stuck my head out to welcome them in but they sprang up and ran away.” Avni croaked and turned away indifferently as Dev approached her lovingly.
“Yes, I fell out when one of your insolent, so-called guests removed their footwear and shook it carelessly.” cried Cessy, the centipede.
“Serves you right! To go sneaking into the wrong places.” croaked an exasperated Dev on and on.
Early next morning, as the Sun struggled to peep out from the dark, heavy curtains in the sky, heightened activity was seen in the dense bushes near the puddle.
A tiny, breathless voice was heard. “Howdy, it has been a long time.”
“Where are you going?” Rumy, the bee asked Earthy, the earthworm who shook his slimy body vigorously.
“My hole is full of water. So, I just came out to get some fresh air.”
“Watch out! These humans sometimes push in some cement or mud over holes. You could well lose your home.”
Earthy gasped in horror.
That day, Rumy and her friends had the time of their lives. Just flirting with other insects, drinking nectar to their heart’s content, flicking the pearls of dew as they landed on the plants and watching the little plants sway to the breeze in gay abandon.
The final words of the narrator were drowned in the whistles and cheers that rose from the audience.
Ms. Sadhna, the Principal of YSR International School said, “I genuinely applaud and appreciate all the teachers of the Primary and Kindergarten department who put up this play for our august audience present here to celebrate the 25th Annual Day celebrations of our school. A show apt for this season, which truly exhibited the freedom of nature over man, was excellently showcased by the little ones. I express my deep sympathy for creatures whom we ignore or harm selfishly. An inspiring Rainy Saga indeed.”
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