The Realization

“Wow, the Kulcha* tastes heavenly!” Rishi exclaimed lost in its taste.
“You are gifted.” praised Mr. Sharma asking for more gravy by sliding the bowl towards Bindu.
She was running in and out of the kitchen fetching extra sugar for the Lassi* fulfilling Mrs. Sharma’s sweet tooth. She made sure that her new family had a satiable breakfast.
Bindu ate the scarce leftovers alone. She cared for everyone and looked after the house fondly. Rishi would always be occupied with his work and after returning from office he would eat and fall asleep.
Bindu carried all the household responsibilities alone. She expected Rishi to accompany her at many instances. But even in weekends he would spend time watching movies rather than giving her the quality time she deserved.
One night she spoke her heart to him. “I feel unappreciated and alone. It would be nice if you assist me whenever you are at home. That would add a little spark in our lives as well." she finished with moist eyes.
Rishi gave a smug smile and said, “I don’t get why you feel overwhelmed when we had hired a maid. It’s not a rocket- science managing our small family.”
“Fine, let us swap our roles next weekend, meanwhile in the weekdays, you get to know my activities." She challenged angrily at his in-sensitiveness. He agreed.
Following Saturday, Bindu’s slumber was interrupted by the strong aroma of bed coffee. After relishing the last sip, she slipped beneath the cozy blanket.
Rishi rushed to kitchen for breakfast preparations. He thanked God for he had learned to cook during his bachelor days staying away for a job. He turned on the mixie for grinding, suddenly tomato juice splashed on his face, shirt and all over the wall because of the overfilled jar.
Mrs. Sharma could not bear the sight of him toiling. He served breakfast to his parents. Bindu waited till he joined. They had food together.
The impending mountain of to-do list was seeking his attention. He took the pile of laundry clothes and put them inside washing machine for rinsing and while taking out for drying he found a ten 200 rupee notes drenched and in pieces.
In room, she was chatting with her friend on a phone call. While he was folding and ironing the clothes.
He inadvertently spilled hot ghee over his arms during frying Puris*. He screamed involuntarily .Bindu immediately ran to him, quickly washed his hands and applied honey on his burn.
He noticed her arm which had marks of burns. They had dinner outside that night upon Mrs. Sharma’s command as she wanted to reduce Rishi’s work.
Next morning Rishi woke to the clinking sounds of glass bangles. Bindu was smiling with two cups of coffee. He said modestly, “I am sorry darling. I always underestimated your work .I promise to be your real partner hereafter.”
Bindu hugged him.
Glossary: Kulcha – It is one of the most popular bread in India like naan,roti and paranthas. Lassi- a sweet Indian drink made from yogurt. Puri- It is a round,crisp/soft deep fried snack. ______________________ For more of such content follow us on Social Media: