The Realization

Moumita Dutta posted under QuinTale-70 on 2025-01-22

Are you ready to cross the bridge? Can you endure a Tech-less life?  

The words echoed like a warning, gripping his mind with skepticism. The fight within was puzzling Mykl. Afterall, the choice will alter his life forever.

Is leaving a comfy life for an uncertain future the right choice? Can I really survive in the wild, amidst nature, sans the amenities I’m so used to ? What if I regret later?

He glanced at the world beyond the picture windows of his office on the 305th floor. It was in ceaseless motion; as always. No, I can’t let these thoughts trick me out of this. I’ve chosen my wellbeing over a lucrative career. So be it. He took a deep breath and grabbed his satchel.  It’s time.


What’s happening to me? Headaches, anxiety attacks, a feeling of emptiness... I’ve been experiencing weird things for months now. Even the immersive AR therapy  didn’t work. No wonder my neural band reflected a sheer drop in efficiency percent. Mykl was confused. Perhaps I should take the Neurofeed’s advise and visit Solace Square.

Without much ado, Mykl set off for Solace Square, the only Bioengineered Natural Zone of Technoterra. A magical space within a futuristic world. The radiant floras, crisp breeze, filtered sunrays, and the relaxing aroma of the nanobot-infused mist had properties to restore human psyche. The vines with biometric scanners released bioelectric pulses to enhance each minds stability. The hum from the micro-currents of the stream, had elements to soothe fatigued minds.

The serenity of this place is quite refreshing. Perhaps a few more visits will help me to get back my old self.  He headed home, feeling a bit at ease. In the following months, Mykl visited Solace Square frequently. Yet, he couldn’t get rid of the strange unease. It kept lingering in his mind.

I’ve tried every possible therapy and yet... What is it that I truly need?


The Mirror Moment

One evening, as Mykl stood infront of  his office windows, the shimmering lights seeped in and suffused him in motley colours. Inbetween the fleeting patterns, he caught a glimpse of himself in the pane. It was staring back, intensely.

Break free. Break free from this mechanical life. Prioritize your health. Leave. Go away from this zippy-zappy world. It is wearing you out; reducing your longevity. Defy the dominance of the machines. Be with nature. Go.

‘Yes... I will. Yes. Yes...’

Mykl looked around. Is my mind playing tricks or is it really the answer to my uneased state? He closed his eyes only to be startled by the flashes inside his head. Trees...birds...clear blue sky...hills...lush green trees...

He took a deep breath, removed his neural band, and grabbed his satchel. I’m all set for a new start; a step towards rejuvenation. My journey towards self-care. It is better than living like a cog in a grand machine.

Finally, his fear of uncertainty was outweighed by a sense of freedom. Now, I’ll be living. Not just surviving.