The Redemption of Onyxus



If the simple act of sprinting through the vast expanse of Gemmalea, with his right hand outstretched, had been enough to rescue his love from the clutches of Chrysonax, Onyxus would have gladly run a marathon. But his exhausted feet gave way, and the young man fell on the dewy grass. His eyes darted towards the two retreating figures. Tears rolled down his cheeks, which he didn’t attempt to wipe away.

Not only had he failed Opalyssa, but he had handed over his beloved forest on a platter to the Chief of the Golden Tribe.

How will I face Rubyrah now?

After all, his grudge with the Protector of Gemmalea was the root cause of all this.

The Ruby Lady

Gemmalea was a place rich in precious stones of all types, sizes, and colours. The people eschewed bloodshed and lived in perfect harmony with nature and her valuable resources. But they were practical enough to sense the dangers that came with such a life.

Rubyrah, the red-haired lady, was the Protector of Gemmalea. Her great-grandmother had learnt the powerful Cabochon chants and had passed them down to her daughter. Rubyrah belonged to the present generation. As a ten-year-old, she had undergone meticulous training sessions to learn the chants. Not only was the pronunciation of every word significant, but also the way it must be uttered determined its effectiveness. But clever Rubyrah mastered the art skillfully.

The day she put her learning to the test was a memorable one.

The dwellers of Gemmalea assembled in the forest square. Rubyrah sat under an oak tree. Her hair cascaded down her back in flowy waves, and her fair face was calm and bereft of any nervousness.

Taking a deep breath, Rubyrah closed her eyes. A moment of silence ensued. One could have heard an earthworm crawling on the mud.

There wasn't a single person who didn’t experience goosebumps when Rubyrah’s voice rose with passion and the Cabochon chants began. But the real spectacle had yet to make its appearance. So immersed were the Gemmaleans in the chants that it took a child to break the reverie.

“Look!” the little boy spoke excitedly.

A collective gasp filled the atmosphere as the people followed his gaze.

Armed with the strength and traits of every precious stone found in Gemmalea, countless zigzag lines formed a protective shroud around the forest. No deadly weapon could infiltrate them. Any human trying to pry open the multi-coloured bars would be burnt to cinders. Like any nature-loving tribe, the Gemmaleans’ rule spared the animals and birds.

The residents went home in a happy frame of mind.

But Onyxus couldn’t sleep that night.

The Generational Curse

Onyxus’ great-grandfather was a learned man and was held in high esteem. At a young age, he had perfected the art of the Cabochon chants. As the Protector of Gemmalea, he was a responsible resident.

However, things started going downhill. Avarice planted a seed in his mind, and his wayward behaviour became the talk of the forest. His womanizing and his love for the forbidden affected his senses, and his powers became ineffective.

In a panic, the residents of Gemmalea began to search for his successor. As per the laws of the place, the baton should be passed to another family, as the curse of the incumbent would trickle down to the coming generations.

The family of rubies was found to be the most incorruptible. Rubyrah’s great-grandmother found herself next in line.

Everybody was happy. The cursed family accepted their fate. Only Onyxus nurtured immense jealousy against Rubyrah. Despite his parents’ insistence that Gemmalea’s laws should be respected, Onyxus devised a scheme to put his nemesis down.

The Sabotage Plan

The seething rage in Onyxus’ heart turned into an inferno the day Rubyrah proved her mettle as the Protector of Gemmalea. Ravaged by nightmares, Onyxus got up from his bed and climbed up the attic.

There are some books related to sorcery. I remember mom telling me about it.

Like a maniac, Onyxus began to rummage through the dog-eared books and antiquated heirlooms. Through the tiny window, he could see the faint moonbeams falling on a dust-ridden chest. His curiosity piqued, Onyxus patted his pants once, and he went to open the trunk.


It was the book he was looking for. 101 Ways to Sabotage a Pure Mind. The legend went that his grandfather had once gone on an expedition to the far east and had purchased this book from a fair. However, his aghast wife made him swear to discard the book. After all, hadn’t their family faced enough trouble because of her father-in-law? After promising her never to lay his hands on the book again, he had hidden it inside an old chest.

Why didn't my grandfather destroy the book? What made my mom confide in me about the secrets? Did they nurture a secret desire that I would win back my family’s rights?

Onyxus’s eyes gleamed with joy. He picked up the book and went back to his room. Sleep evaded the excited boy that night.

The next two years went by painfully slowly. Mornings began with a cold-water bath. Unbeknownst to his parents, Onyxus slipped away to the pond and submerged himself in the icy waters. He felt as if a thousand knives had penetrated his body. But he didn’t give up.

After the ritual, he returned home and, after helping his mother with household chores, went to school. The boring lessons on history and linguistics bored him to bits. Only psychology interested him. After all, it would help him master his grandfather’s book.

Evenings were his favourite. While his parents busied themselves in preparing dinner, Onyxus, on the pretext of doing his homework, began to study sorcery. As a boy blessed with immense intelligence, he was a fast learner and tested his skills on unsuspecting students and teachers. Since the tricks were insignificant, no one doubted him or his supposed victims.

The Day of Execution

Rubyrah sat beneath the oak tree. It was her favourite place in the forest. People would be busy with their daily activities, and she could practice her chants in peace. As the Protector of Gemmalea, she couldn’t afford to be complacent. She ensured that her skills never lost their sheen.

Rubyrah closed her eyes. Her lips began to move in an inaudible prayer. Suddenly, she gave a start. Her reverie was interrupted, and she got up. Agitated, she began to pace the area like a caged tiger.

Her mind had drawn a blank. She couldn’t remember a single word. It was as if a black shroud had enveloped her brain.

What’s happening to me?

Rubyrah took a deep breath and took her position beneath the tree again. She allowed the ripples in her mind to settle down. When she felt her mind was calm enough, she began afresh. But no sooner did she utter the first word when the mystical umbra descended upon her. Try as she might, she couldn’t invoke the chants.

Tears trickled down her cheeks. I have failed.

Hidden behind the dense thickets, Onyxus smirked. Serves you right, you usurpur!

His efforts finally bore fruit. Putting his sorcery tricks to use, Onyxus managed to weave a shroud of darkness in Rubyrah’s mind, thereby making it impossible for her to retrieve the words stored in her memory.

Onyxus decided to wait for the right time to strike and reclaim his family’s rights. But never in his wildest dreams did he realise that the innocent Oplayssa, for whom he nurtured a secret love, would pay the price for his deed.

The Abduction of Opalyssa

The rays of the morning sun filtered through the leaves of the lush green foliage and fell on the precious stones. As they glistened in the light, it was a beautiful sight to behold. But all Onyxus could see was Opalyssa as she polished the gems lovingly. She hummed a song and seemed to immerse herself in her task.

In an attempt to announce his presence, Onyxus cleared his throat once.

Startled, Opalyssa turned back. On seeing that it was Onyxus, she heaved a sigh of relief.

“What brings you here, dear Onyxus?”

“Erm.. It’s a beautiful day out here, isn’t it?”

Opalyssa raised one eyebrow.

“No, I mean. I am blabbering like an idiot.”

The maiden smiled. “Out with the truth, you fool.”

“I have been in love with you since childhood.” Onyxus confessed his feelings in one breath.

“And you’re telling me now?! I thought I would die single.”

This was all the encouragement Onyxus needed. He closed the gap between them and enveloped Opalyssa in a passionate hug. Somewhere, birds chirped. Oblivious to everything around them, Onyxus planted a kiss on her lips. Opalyssa responded with equal passion.

The distress call of the predators broke the lovers’ embrace. Within a moment, the sounds of hooves resonated in Gemmalea.

Opalyssa gasped. “Who is this? None of us here own a horse.”

Onyxus’ eyes widened in shock. His mother had told him tales of a tribe that lived far away from Gemmalea. Known for looting gold, they also targeted valuable stones if it suited their demands. They were known as the Golden Tribe.

Before Onyxus could voice his concern, a man in golden armour appeared before them. At seven feet tall, the warrior towered over the Gemmaleans. His eyes possessed a cunning intelligence, a trait unfamiliar to Onyxus and Opalyssa.

In a thundering voice, Chrysonax hollered, "Finally, I could penetrate Gemmalea.” He pointed to Opalyssa. “You. Come to me.”

Opalyssa shivered, hugging Onyxus tightly.

Chrysonax snorted, “I have no time for this lovey-dovey show.” He advanced towards the lovers menacingly. Before Onyxus could realise what had struck them, the Chief of the Golden Tribe pulled Opalyssa towards him. He pushed Onyxus to the ground and dragged a squirming and screaming Opalyssa along with him.

Onyxus watched helplessly as his vengeance on Rubyrah came home to roast.

A Blessing in Disguise

Onyxus’s mother watched her son and Rubyrah engage in an animated discussion. A couple of hours ago, he had returned home, disheartened and crying like a schoolgoing teenager. Between bouts of sobs, he had managed to tell her the whole story.

“How could you do this to me?” Rubyrah thundered.

“I told you I’m sorry,” Onyxus cried.

“Silence, my children!” Onyxus’ mother spoke in a mild yet firm voice.

Ruburah and Onyxus paused their conversation and looked at her.

Taking a deep breath, Onyxus’s mother spoke. “Rubyrah, I sincerely apologise on behalf of my son. What he did was condemnable. But before you proceed to complain to the Gemmalean authorities, let me apprise you of my family’s history and the curse.”

“I am aware of it, ma'am," Rubyrah intervened.

Onyxus’ mother shook her head. “There’s something you both must know. My father-in-law had purchased a book on sorcery, but he made a promise to his wife to never read it. But before stacking it in our attic, he confided in his son that there was a purpose behind the book.”

“Purpose?” asked Onyxus.

“Yes. You see, our family has the gift of receiving instructions from our forefathers. Your grandfather had a dream that our family would redeem itself after committing an unpardonable crime. Now, he had no clue about the severity of the crime or who would commit it. All he knew was that he possessed a weird urge to buy the book. He was convinced that the book held a key to his dream.”

“I don’t get it, mother!” mumbled Onyxus.

“Magic works in mysterious ways, son. It means that your sorcery on Rubyrah was a blessing in disguise. Not only did you understand the repercussions of your folly, you gave your family the opportunity to redeem itself in Gemmalea.”

“But Opalyssa…” Onyxus wiped his tears away. “And how can it be done? Will Gemmalea be safe from Chrysonax?”

“I’m sure your grandfather will guide you.”

The Redemption of Onyxus

“Are you sure it’s in the book?” Rubyrah asked.

Onuxus was flipping through the pages of a book titled Undoings. He had found the word scribbled on the last page of the sorcery book. How, until now, he had failed to spot the faded ink remained a mystery, but he didn’t bother to decipher it. Maybe it was his late grandfather’s intervention.

“There it is!” Onyxus gave a triumph of exhilaration. He hugged Rubyrah in delight. “Now sit quietly while I work my magic on you. You should be able to recall your chants soon.”

Onyxus began to chant. Rubyrah closed her eyes. Two hours elapsed. Onyxus was in a trance-like state. Beads of sweat formed on his forehead. The nonstop mumblings made him exhausted and gasping, but he didn’t pause.

Suddenly, a smile parted Rubyrah’s lips. “I can see the shroud lifting.”

Onyxus allowed himself to relax for a second. “Good. Now try.”

Rubyrah began the Cabochon chants. Soon, Gemmalea was enveloped in a protective array of multi-hued lines.

Onyxus was relieved. “Now remove the layer. We must concentrate on rescuing Opalyssa.”

“But how?”

“I’ve consulted a map or two. I’ll go to Chrysonax’s kingdom and rescue her.”

“Is it safe?” asked Rubyrah.

“I think so.”

“May the Force of Gemmalea be with you!”

Onyxus Confronts Chrysonax

The night was pitch black. Onyxus crept into the menacing castle. Using his sorcery, he had induced the guards to sleep. Stealthily, he slid a key inside the lock of an ornate door. A soft creak later, the door opened.

“Onyxus!” screamed Opalyssa in delight.

“Hush!” Onyxus hugged Opalyssa. After what seemed like an eternity, he dragged her with him out of the room.

The sound of footsteps startled Opalyssa. “That is Chrysonax. I am familiar with the noise his shoes make.”

Onyxus pushed Opalyssa towards the winding stairs. “Now, listen to me. Go down and exit the castle. I have left behind a trail of chipped particles of opal. Follow them. It will lead you to Gemmalea. Rubyrah will be waiting for you near the brook. Tell her that she is good to go.”

“I don’t understand, Onyxus. What about you?”

I’ll join you, sweetheart.”

Onyxus saw Opalyssa taking the stairs. He turned to face Chrysonax, who was now approaching the corridor.

“You swine! How did you break into my castle? Where is my Opalyssa?” he thundered.

Onyxus raised his hand and began to chant. Chrysonax stood rooted to the spot. Try as he might, he couldn’t budge an inch. He flailed his arms, but his feet disobeyed him. Onyxus continued to mumble incomprehensible words. He needed to buy time until Opalyssa could reach home safely.

The sorcery worked. Chrysonax remained immobile, but Onyxus soon grew tired. He had been chanting uninterruptedly for three hours. Suddenly overcome by an urge to sneeze, he paused. Chrysonax seized the opportunity to come out of the invisible prison.

“You scoundrel!” he hollered as he advanced towards Onyxus menacingly.

Onyxus opened his mouth, but he failed to retrieve the chants from his memory. It was as if a black cloak had covered his brain. Knowing that he was no match for Chrysonax, he began to sprint towards the flight of stairs that would lead him to the main door.

Chrysonax smirked and, like a cat teasing a mouse before swatting it ruthlessly, followed Onyxus at his own languid pace. Just when the Gemmalean stepped out of the castle, the Chief of the Golden Tribe threw a dagger at him.

Onyxus let out a scream. The last word that emerged from his mouth was Opalyssa.

Chrysonax stomped angrily on the dead body of Onyxus, mounted his steed, and rode to Gemmalea. But it was too late. The protective layer of crisscrossing lines prevented him from infiltrating the forest.

“Damn it!” He swore to himself. “I’ll be back. Mark my words!”


It was the first death anniversary of Onyxus. The dwellers of Gemmalea assembled at the forest square. A bust of Onyxus had been erected to commemorate the hero.

Rubyrah addressed the people.

“Gemmaleans! Let us uphold our forest’s tradition and continue to work towards protecting it from invaders. Chrysonax knows that this place can be infiltrated. It is up to us to be united against him. What Onyxus did was commendable. While he compromised on the safety of Gemmalea to settle personal scores with me, he made it up for his transgression by sacrificing himself. Besides, the prophecies of our ancestors cannot be dismissed. Maybe the redemption of Onyxus and the cure of his generational curse were the much-needed jolts to shake us out of our complacency. Come, my friends! Let us pledge to do our bit to protect our beloved place. I require your support here.”

The people clapped enthusiastically. Gradually, the crowd began to disperse, chatting softly among themselves. Only three people remained behind. Rubyrah, Opalyssa, and Onyxus’s mother.

None of the women spoke a word. They continued to stand in front of the bust of the man they shared a connection with. The protective array of multi-hued lines gleamed above them, serving as a constant reminder about Chrysonax's never-ending efforts to penetrate the forest. For the time being, Gemmalea was safe. And it took Onyxus’s redemption to drive home the significance of unity.