The Reminiscence

Sheetal Ashpalia posted under Flash Fiction QuinTale-15 on 2020-01-27

They say that your life flashes in front of your eyes when you lie on your deathbed. And Shane was experiencing it. The picture was hung on the wall right in front of him in the hospital. It brightens up this dreary room, he thought. Hell, it’s brightened up my life too. As the Founder of a multi-million conglomerate, Shane had been a workaholic all his life. He believed that the only way to succeed was to spend long hours behind closed doors in equally tedious business meetings to double his fortune. His wife and children took a back seat as he felt there would be enough time to enjoy the fruits later. Family vacations saw his wife and children holidaying, while he was content with the souvenirs they collected and brought back from across the globe. The wake-up call came too late, he realized now. Six months ago to be precise! When a routine check at his family physician had spelt out the dreaded C. And as per the doctor’s grim prognosis, he only had a few months in hand. Shattered, he decided to brave it out and do all that he had only dreamt of. He wanted to cram a lifetime in these last few months. First the bucket list was chalked out with Stella. Most were easy, but a week amidst the Swiss Alps would prove to be a difficult one amidst the icy weather as Cancer ravaged his body. Yet, Stella, his childhood sweetheart had managed it all with a smile. Reminding him that money could buy them the luxuries they desired, she set out to fulfil his wish. Her only wish was to check everything off his bucket list in time… As they arrived at the chalet, Shane was amazed at the beauty around him. He marveled at the snow-capped mountains bearing down upon them and the pristine lake. The white boat beckoned him like a virgin bride, but his body was too weak to steer now. Sailing had been his passion in the past! He had captured this picture in the morning light while gazing at nature’s bounty in full flourish. Most days were spent sunning on the patio. Sometimes he fished, while at others he enjoyed a drink with his beloved by his side. And yet he had never felt more alive.  With it came the realization of all that he had missed. He had missed out on the best years with his partner and his children. It was too late with the children now. They were busy in their lives and had been unable to join. He lamented the loss; but was grateful to the God for what he had been able to share with Stella before he was gone. And as she held his hand now, he felt his breaths shorten. Shane had never felt more at peace. He passed away smiling as he reminisced over the picture of the boat on the lake in the snow-capped Alps. ____ ____