Swarnam’s eyes fell on the rose apple tree while rocking on the armchair. Clusters of rose apples hung invitingly from the slender branches. The leaves rustled against the soft evening breeze. As a child, she would love to pluck the rose apples and devour them. She missed her hometown and the lanky trees after settling down in Bengaluru with Iswaran.
“I have planted rose apple saplings in the garden. With the trees around you will stop pining for your parental home,” Iswaran’s voice echoed in her ears. Every crook and cranny of the house was designed with her comforts and wishes in mind.
The well-furnished penthouse in the heart of the city now stood desolate. It had been five years since Iswaran passed away.
Their only son Dileep had married Jessie, his colleague. Swarnam had blessed the couple wholeheartedly. Since Jessie’s parents lived in Canada she wanted to settle there. Dileep also wished to move to Canada as he found better job prospects there. “Amme*, why don’t you join us? You will love the place. I won’t be at peace if I leave you alone here,” pleaded Dileep. Swarnam’s eyes filled with tears seeing her son’s predicament.
“Mone*, you concentrate on your future. I will take care of my present. Don’t worry. I will get a maid from our village to take care of me,” Swarnam asserted after much deliberation.
Dileep tried his best to change her decision but she was hell-bent on staying in the nest that Iswaran had so caringly built for her. He moved to Canada for good but only after ensuring that his mother would be well cared for by a maid.
“It was your mistake. You adopted a boy, invested in his education, and his marriage. Now you have registered all your property in his name. It is but natural for him to leave you. Even now it’s not too late. Re-register your property in our names and we will take care of you,” her brothers had counseled.
Swarnam had long forgotten that her son was adopted. He was hers and will always be hers. She had nothing against him. He had his dreams and she didn’t want to come in his way.
Months passed and Swarnam wallowed in her loneliness. Even in her wildest dreams, she had not anticipated the forlornness of her sunset years.
“Iswaran, how can I go on like this?” She looked up for some signs from above. Iswaran had always been there for her when she had tough choices before her.
Out of the blue, an old classmate shared pictures and videos of her life in a Senior Citizens’ haven. Their twinkling eyes and radiant faces got Swarnam thinking. What intrigued her was the avenues of rose apple trees across the estate. That was a sign.
She smiled at the rose apple trees. “You, Iswaran’s memories, and I will stay together forever.”
She would cross one threshold to another, splashing the canvas of her sunset with rich, vibrant colors.
1. Amme: Mother in Malayalam
2. Mone: Son in Malayalam