The Saint

It was a dark stormy night…never heard of rains in March in Delhi. Weather is changing, Climate Change I believe, I am getting late. My meeting got over very late. Now I have to look for the cab. Suddenly and mystically a cab stopped before I could book my ride with OLA or UBER. It came to a screeching halt near me.
“Madam, can I drop you anywhere? You will not get any cab because of strike.”
I thought for a while and then sat into the cab.
“I have to go to Meera Bagh, How much will you charge?”
“I am going that side only you can give me Rs.500/-, It’s night time also, madam”
I agreed and entered the cab. I kept my bag aside, folded my umbrella and adjusted myself in the back seat. I was feeling hungry too but there wasn’t any time to stop in between. I took out my phone and called my husband that I have got the cab and will be home soon in 30 minutes.
He asked-“Dinner”
I said-“We can swiggy” The grandmoms of modern times. I smiled myself. What a relief. All set now. While I was busy calling my husband I never realized that a small boy was tapping my window pane at the busy red light. He was selling pens. As I put down my window glasses to buy a few pens just to help that little boy a man pushed the boy and grabbed my purse. I shouted my driver also came to my rescue but the man was very fast he ran away in dark.I could see the pens of that little boy on the road strewn all over and he was bleeding because of the great push he got. I gestured him to come inside the cab.
“Please let’s take him to the nearby hospital” I said to the driver.
“I wil be Okay,” He said.
I took him to the hospital called my husband too. The boy got the dressing on his forehead and I dropped him at the very red light we met. After a few months I was in my car with my driver lost in my thoughts suddenly that same boy came and knocked my window pane but this time I didn’t put down my window glasses. He appeared really excited to see me and waved to stop the car. Very cautiously and slowly I did stop. He came running and handed me a rose flower and few pens. I took out Rs.100 to give but he vanished into the dark night. My purse which got lost was mysteriously on my back seat with all the belongings intact. I tried to search for the boy but could never find him after that day.
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