The Savoury Revelation

Priya Nayak-Gole posted under Flash Fiction QuinTale-59 on 2024-01-08

I watched him walk towards me as the rest of the restaurant blurred. Johnathan had that effect ever since I first met him here four months ago, our common love for Punjabi cuisine binding us beyond food.  I blushed sipping at the spiced buttermilk, the perfect blend of spices along with his blue orbs from across the table, sending a tingle through my body. The empyrean Punjabi folk playing in the background set my heart-rhythm to swing in its beats. The symphony of aromas mingling with the rich cologne enveloping Johnathan was enticingly amorous.  “You are ravishing in red.”. The velvety baritone captivated me, his alluring dimples beckoning me to dive into their secret depths.  Setting down the emptied glass on the table I reached for a tissue to wipe the lingering remnants spread across my lip when he bent forward. My breath caught at the rough touch of his thumb.  Escaping the shackles of an, abusive marriage and a bustling Mumbai-life, I had found solace in the tranquil embrace of Dehradun. However, John became the catalyst breathing vitality into my mundane life. Over the past months, each day unfolded as a chapter of exquisite beauty, under his indelible touch. Johnathan helped me embrace and love myself.  I was a masterpiece waiting to unravel at his mere touch. “Ramya, I have something to say…” John hesitated  Was he proposing? He was American but would my conservative South-Indian upbringing permit me? And at 40, I was… older by 5 years. Blasphemy! The server placed our order and the melange of scents wafting from the dishes played their games with my mind, body and soul… like Johnathan’s essence. I relished his favourite sarson-ka-saag and makki-di-roti. Prepared in clarified butter the saag churned as I chewed the delicacy reminiscent of our first intimate rendezvous. John had claimed me effortlessly like he had been acquainted intimately with my body since time eternity. He had coalesced into my life like the generous amount of white butter in this flavourful saag. “Ramya… I love you. A lot…” He continued. Gosh it was coming! “I love you too, John…”  Johnathan held out the Amritsari fish as I bit into the golden-crispy tenderness. The spiced batter along with the succulent meat melded seamlessly on my tastebuds just like I surrendered under his sensual cosset. This was foodgasm akin to pinnacles of ecstasy John led me to, every intimate encounter.  The grand-finale of the traditional Panjiri was the perfect treat to my taste buds… Johnathan never refrained me for ingesting those additional calories, nor did I tuck-in my abdomen or colour those salt and pepper unruly strands. I thrived being… me.  “Um… Ramya…” I waited.  “… you must know what I do for a living…” he looked away, unsure, a first for him. What?  I held the spoon midway. “You’re a model, John… aren’t you?”.  “Well… I am a porn-star… I act in explicit videos…” The sharp clang of the spoon slipping from my grasp echoed through the restaurant…      Penmancy gets a small share of every purchase you make through these links, and every little helps us continue bringing you the reads you love!