The Scarlet Saga

Priya Washikar posted under PenMuse-21 Poetry on 2020-07-18

Red mesmerizes us with it's sheer grandiose brilliance. The ardently seductive and intense shade of cerise. The sanguine, rufescent sky, as it embraces the twilight; Scarlet ignites love and hope in the deepest crevices of our heart. The smoldering vivacity in the wavy, auburn hair. The sacred vermillion brings with it a crimson ebullience. The gently blushing rose witnesses a fervent and passionate kiss; The Ruby ring seals a promise; never to be apart. The vibrant carmine is a symbol of bravery and perseverance. It depicts the grit and gumption in a warrior’s brave blood. To the fragile soul, red promises adventure and persistence. The cardinal glow of will power depicts the radiant inner light. The seductive undertone of fiery yearning, thaws all walls of resistance. The erubescent flame of passion glows in the dark, mysterious night!


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