The Second Chance

Life is unpredictable, they say. It is, surely! Many things happen, many relationships are formed and many of them are left broken, while some go on for eternity. But, the beauty of a relationship lies in the efforts that are put in to make it flourish. It isn’t necessarily a romantic relationship; it could be any relationship between parents or child or between two friends or siblings. Every relationship holds a different kind of love.
These are the thoughts of Aanya Singh, a young girl in her mid-twenties. Aanya is an interior and fashion designer by profession. She has earned fame in the last two years and is a well-known designer in Mumbai city. Her parents hail from Rajasthan and she has been convincing them to relocate to Mumbai but they are adamant enough to stay in Jaipur city.
Aanya owns a bungalow now and her parents visit her occasionally. She owns a boutique and has her hands full of orders at any time of the year. She is very friendly and down-to-earth. She also has a habit of writing in a diary at the end of the day.
It’s 9 PM and she’s just finished talking to her parents. She’s got a simple dinner fixed for herself – vegetable upma with a cup of steaming ginger tea. Yeah, tea at night is her habit. It helps her calm down her nerves and she feel better. She also adds that she experiences better sleep at night. It’s rejuvenating for her.
After finishing her night schedule, she finishes her diary entry and at the same time, her phone pings with a message. As she checks her phone, she’s astonished to find a message from a certain someone, whom she didn’t think would call or message her.
Aanya is in a trance when her phone pings again, delivering another text on the WhatsApp messaging app. There’s another message from her friend, well, a long-time friend with whom she drifted apart. It’s a surprise for her but she feels herself melting at the apology message that’s sent to her by her friend, Ishani Kumar.
The next thing that Aanya does is unplanned, she calls Ishani and invites her to meet at her home, the next day. Ishani is quite surprised but agrees. What’s better than to talk in person and start things afresh?
Aanya is elated to have talked to Ishani after more than 2 years and she’s glad that the latter has agreed to meet her. She gets busy arranging stuff for the next day. It might not go as per her plan but she’s happy as she’s getting the time to talk to her old friend after a long time.
Ishani Kumar is an artist. She is a painter and has achieved a degree in fine arts. She makes paintings and crafts, for which she organizes exhibitions and earns money. She also has opened an art academy where she teaches Art and also gives guest lectures in schools. She’s an ardent worshipper of her art and makes sure that she is not pulling it down in any way.
Ishani and Aanya have been childhood friends and have finished their studies together. They chose different streams but one college, so that they can stay in touch with each other. But things changed for them and they drifted apart. It’s been three years ever since they talked. The best friends are torn apart.
Ishani is in a trance. Yeah, Aanya didn’t respond to her message but called her and invited her to her home. Well, a phone call can erase some distance while a face-to-face conversation can make a big difference and can mark it as a new inning in any relationship. She feels a little hopeful that her equation with Aanya would come back to normal.
But as they say, let bygones be bygones, we must always start afresh if we want the relationship to flourish forever.
The next day rises early. Ishani gets ready for the day. She’s quite excited to meet Aanya at her home. She’ll be staying with her for the whole day. Maybe, this is the push that they need to re-spark their relationship.
Ishani leaves her home and purchases a rose bouquet and a card for Aanya. She might need to convince Aanya a little more. But a hearty conversation will have a huge impact on the two of them. Ishika is hopeful and wishful for the same.
An old yet whole new relationship!
Aanya is all set to welcome her friend. She doesn’t know why but she suddenly felt the urge to have a conversation and resolve all the issues that resulted in their breakdown. She had a slight smile on her lips, maybe, she already had hope that Ishani would somehow contact her again. Or maybe, she wanted to converse but the bitter memories of the past didn’t let her do so.
Today is a whole new day for Ishani and Aanya. They will be able to talk their heart out and maybe, they’d be back to the bay —-to the relationship that they used to share in the past.
Ishani reaches Aanya’s home and is touched to find the latter waiting for her. Aanya invites Ishani inside the house and the two long-lost friends share a hug. A lot of emotions are bubbling in their hearts but they decide to sit and talk. Aanya composes herself and holds Ishani’s hand taking her inside the house. She asks her to take a seat and she disappears into the kitchen.
Ten minutes later, Aanya comes back into the living room with a tray in hand. She holds one mug and forwards it to Ishani.
“Strong, and less sugar. You like your coffee this way, right?” She asks, confirming with her friend.
“You remember?” Ishani is astonished as she holds the mug and sniffs the aroma of the coffee.
“Yeah, I do! How can I forget your likes and dislikes so easily? Three years aren’t enough to forget!” She replies, gazing at Ishani who downs her gaze momentarily.
“I am sorry, Aanya.” Ishani murmurs and it feels like she’s truly guilty.
“Ishu, I am being honest, I was hurt by your behaviour towards me. You believed others and not me. Why?” Aanya asks, coming straight to the point.
“I couldn’t see it through, Anu.” Ishani says, looking at her friend.
“We’ve been long-time friends, Ishi. How could you believe those who were new and pushed me away? Why? Your message sent chills down my spine but I thought that it’s better to talk.” Aanya keeps her points.
Ishani sighs, and so does Aanya. Yeah, this is the incident of their college time.
In their post-graduation, they chose different subjects and they also got new friends. Aanya noticed that Ishani is influenced by her new friends who are not so good at studies. They do everything other than studies. Aanya didn’t feel good when Ishani’s other friends blamed her that she’s hindering their friendship. She tried to convince Ishani to leave the new bunch of her friends but the girl denied it. Moreover, Ishani began blaming Aanya for some things that she didn’t do. Her friends also blamed her for always hindering their relationship with Ishani.
So forth, Aanya stepped back. She knew her friend is in a trance; she will come back to her senses when she’ll get hurt by her namesake friends. Well, Aanya didn’t want to leave Ishani alone but the harsh words and the bitter fights with her best friend forced her to stay at the bay. The new friends promised to help when needed but when Ishani needed them the most, they backed off and didn’t help her.
Time passed, and they cleared their post-graduation and developed their own identities. Aanya still had an eye on Ishani through her Facebook profile but she couldn’t call her. In the past few days, Ishani has messaged her constantly and so, they’re here having coffee after ages.
Aanya keeps her mug on the glass table and holds Ishani’s hands in hers. The latter looks at her and they smile at each other — a smile which is an indication that they’re always there backing each other.
“I always wanted this to happen, Ishu. But all those bitter memories stopped me. I mean, a friendship cannot be weak that it gets ruined just because of someone who has never been a part of our lives and conversation.” Aanya says meaningfully.
“You’re right, Anu. I was with the wrong people. You only wanted to pull me back on the right path. But I pushed you away.” Ishani says, her tone low at the moment.
“That’s a long-gone incident, Ishani. Many things happened back then. The only mistake that we did is that we didn’t talk to each other.” Aanya says and Ishani can’t agree more.
“Yeah! I feel bad about that. That group of girls pulled me away from you. I was infatuated with the things they used to do, while we only studied.” Ishani says and then looks at her friend.
“But we had more fun than you had with your namesake friends. They left you when they needed you, didn’t they?” Aanya asks and Ishani downs her gaze.
“Don’t feel guilty, Ishu. I know it. In fact, I purchased those artefacts and paintings, so that you could recover from your loss.” Aanya says and her friend is astonished.
“But that’s on the name of a company,” Ishani says surprisingly.
“Yeah, that’s my business, Ishu. I am running an interior and fashion design boutique. Come, I will show you something.” Aanya says and holding Ishani’s hand, she takes her inside the house.
Ishani is surprised as they enter a small studio. It’s a small room that’s converted into a working studio. She is astonished to find her paintings around the studio. A flower-shaped rangoli is also placed on the wall. Ishani is touched. All of these are her creations.
Aanya tells her that she’s been following her exhibitions and purchased paintings from every exhibition by a disguised name – Mahi. Ishani realises the same and she remembers that Mahi is Aanya’s nickname. She’s unable to control her emotions and pulls her best friend in a hug.
Truly, if Aanya hadn’t purchased those paintings six months back, Ishani would’ve faced a loss. That’s when she realised that she has been rude and egoistic towards her best buddy. Ishani’s brother, Raghav told her the reality and as a result, she came to talking terms with Aanya.
The two friends part hug and Aanya shows her house to Ishani who is pleased to know the hard work that her friend did and has achieved her goals. She praises her efforts and at the same time, Aanya holds her hands.
“I am glad you made an effort. I was hurt because the people who said things to me were not my friends. You were, you are my friend, Ishani. If you had said all those things, I’d have been fine. But it’s better late than never.” Aanya words her feelings.
“I agree, Aanya. I have not been good to you, yet you kept your eyes on me. You helped me when others left me. If Raghav hadn’t told me, I won’t have been able to talk to you.” Ishani says softly, and she’s being honest.
“I asked him not to tell you, but I am glad he did. He cares for both of us.” Aanya says with a smile.
“Yeah, he motivated me to talk to you. He wanted to intervene but he didn’t and he told me when it was high time. Thanks, Anu, I’m nothing without you. You’ve saved me. “Ishani mouths the words of gratitude yet again.
“We’re friends, Ishu. This is the least I could do. Let it be! We can always start afresh.” Aanya says, hoping her friend will agree with her.
“Yeah, the past can’t be undone. But new beginnings are never too far, especially when you work for them wholeheartedly.” Ishani says and Aanya agrees,
These two hold mutual thoughts about making the relationship work. They’re on the same boat and they want to make it work, that is, a start of the same yet new relationship.
The two girls’ glance at each other and embrace each other for another time. You rarely get a chance to rekindle your bond, and when you get that chance, you must not drop it.
Ishani and Aanya have understood the importance of conversations and they’re glad that they hold mutual feelings for each other. This meeting is nothing but a rekindling of their age-old bond which they’ve been holding.
The two friends talk a little more and then decide to cook something for lunch. Ishani suggests making cheese and corn sandwiches, as it’s their favourite dish. They set to work and make some sandwiches. There’s chocolate pastry as well, and Ishani is surprised that her friend still remembers her tastes.
The naughty grins, unstoppable laughter and never-ending talks, everything is back. It just took a little effort to initiate a talk and things are back to normal. They have their lunch with light chit-chat and they move into Aanya’s room and settle on the bed. Ishani appreciates the interior design of the house and asks Aanya to do the interior design of her working studio. Of course, she owns a studio and works therein.
“Aanya, I am glad that we restarted again,” Ishani says reassuringly.
“I am glad as well, Ishani. You made an effort, and so did I,” Aanya says softly and beams at her best friend.
“That’s what matters, few people don’t realise this,” Ishani says softly.
“I am glad we did this, Ishu. We’re back to the bay. And I wish, it remains the same forever.” Aanya says softly, pulling her friend into a hug.
Ishani and Aanya smile satisfactorily as they gaze at each other. Life has turned into a full circle. They’ve been childhood friends, but they have experienced a gap in their relationship and now they’re back in the bay again. Now, their relationship will be stronger than before. That’s what they hope for.
Aanya and Ishani are sitting on the balcony. The latter prepares the coffee after much insistence and the former lets her do the same. They talk while preparing the coffee and things seem fine now.
After finishing the coffee, Ishani holds Aanya’s hand. She’s still fearful that they might drift apart. Aanya smiles as she understands her fear. Things may not be smooth at times, but life must go on, isn’t it?
“It’s okay, Ishani. Things will be fine now, until and unless we’re together.” Aanya says softly.
“Yeah, I won’t let it diminish our bond. Now that we’ve got the chance to rekindle our love, we won’t let it go.” Ishani says and Aanya agrees with her.
“Yeah, Ishu. I am glad we did it. This time, our bond will be stronger than before. This will go on until eternity.” Aanya says.
The two girls smile at each other. Yeah, they’ve tried to give a second chance to their friendship. They hope that this time, they will be better friends than before. And life is going to be at its best again.
Friendship makes life beautiful and when you have friends who match your soul, it is a blessing in disguise. So, you need to put in a little effort in maintaining your relationships and bring it to the phase where it has always been.
Rekindling friendships is rare, but when you want it wholly and heartily, it always happens.
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