The Shepherds' Debate

Concetta Pipia posted under Tale-a-thlon S4: Poetry on 2024-08-14

Beneath the wide and endless sky, we stand,  

Our sheep all grazing on this quiet land.  

"Have you heard, old friend, of the city's plight?  

The people cry for bread, but none's in sight."  

"Aye, I've heard the tales of wealth and greed,  

While we toil here with all that we need.  

Yet still, they chase the gold that never fills,  

And leave behind the fields and peaceful hills."  


"They speak of power, yet they know no peace,  

Their hearts are restless, craving quick release.  

But here, with sheep and soil beneath our feet,  

We find a life that’s simple, pure, and sweet."  

"True, but even here, the world does change,  

The seasons shift, and nothing stays the same.  

Our flocks grow thin as pastures dry and fade,  

And still, the city calls us to its trade."  

"Yet I’ll not leave this land for worldly gain,  

For here, I’ve found a life that knows no pain."  

They stand in silence, watching sheep and stars, content.