The Silent Track

3rd September 2021
8 a.m.: New dawn awakened Rina and brought a smile to her lips just as it did to the tulips and roses in the garden which she could see from her hotel window. At last, the stormy night had accepted defeat and retreated giving way for the Sun to celebrate its victory over the world.
9 a.m.: Tim, her friend and self-declared manager, knocked on the door twice but entered without waiting for her permission, as he often did!
‘The tickets are all sold out’ he said as he munched a croissant from the breakfast spread brought in for her. ‘Did you see the media all over the place?’ ‘Yes, I did!’ Rina answered mockingly, only to herself, as Tim seemed to have evaporated like the perfume she used.
11 a.m.: Rina hurriedly yet soundlessly walked on the plush carpet towards the dressing room. ‘I will have time for one last rehearsal before show-time, only if I hurry up!’
12:30 p.m.: Half an hour to show-time. Rina sat down on the plush sofa…
10th September 2011
Everyone in the little town of Majrah had deserted the roads with the onset of a fierce storm that suddenly claimed ownership of everything in sight. Though the storm seemed like a strict landlord, it appeared meek compared to the turbulence in Rina’s heart and mind, which led to an outpour of hot tears incessant as the rains outside. The train to take her to her dream destination, Mumbai, had just left leaving her gazing at the SILENT TRACK! Tears blurred her vision. She stood rooted. Time did not! The storm retreated and everyone except Rina breathed a sigh of relief.
For her, there was no RAINBOW in sight!
She had yet again failed to convince her father to let her pursue her musical dreams in the prestigious Indian Academy of Music and Art, where she had secured admission without much ado.
23rd June 2016
Jenny came running down the stairs of her house. ‘Ma’am, did you check your messages?’ ‘No Jenny’, replied an exasperated Rina, visibly tired after a long day of music lessons. Despite her protests, Jenny opened her Facebook page where she had shared Rina’s music videos. Rina stared wide-eyed at lakhs of comments she had received. One particular comment sent the previous day by the internationally acclaimed M&M (Mauj & Music) Band caught her attention- ‘#Rina teacher, will you perform for us? Interested? Tell us about yourself at
3rd September 2022
What a journey it had been! From quitting her job, onboarding the team of M&M, to packing her bags every now and then to the scintillating destinations in the world….
1:00 p.m.: ‘Presenting Rina Mehta, for you Ladies and Gentlemen!’.
The crowd roared in unison… The silent track had led her away from the storm… She could see the RAINBOW at last!
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