The Study of A Local Cafe

Julianna James posted under PenMuse-41 Poetry on 2022-05-12

Sweet-sour scent of slow-roasted coffee beans (a) Recessed lighting, softly highlighting (b) The clamorous cackle of a callow clump of teens, (a) Who are somehow, always uninviting.  (b) The bookworm buries herself in a Blake, beside buddies reuniting (b)  The artist keenly observes his tea infuse,  (c) The pair of perfect strangers plunge into a passion newly igniting (b) It hardly seems like the place for reserved milieus. (c) “Order for Omar”, “oops I dropped my oolong”, “Oh My Gosh, cute shoes!” (c) A rush order of the popular sandwich-crab tartare and whiting (b) I spot no sin in spending seconds, spending spirit, “Donne m’en plus” (c) My muse, as I create art, through word, through writing. (b)   Penmancy gets a small share of every purchase you make through these links, and every little helps us continue bringing you the reads you love!