The Surmi Bond

Sunita Sahu posted under PenMuse-38 Poetry on 2022-02-07

You entered my life, donning a smile seraphic Over my heart you reigned, I was on cloud nine Beneath the coruscating umbrella of Penmancy Ushered a bond pulchritudinous Two ecstatic hearts swooned, exchanging banter chucklesome Together we nailed, challenging prompts umpteen In the ocean of words, we sailed, we sparkled bright Rooting for each other, our secret mantra Never did we meet or speak in person Witty words did the trick, we instantly clicked Since then, you became my favorite chapter A friend, a mentor, a well-wisher, in you I discovered How I jumped in glee every single time Seeing that green dot on your picture! A piece of me, I witnessed in you Every time we shared our joys and woes In my garden of love, a fragrant lily did bloom Thanks to Penmancy, a precious gem I found Let me confess my feelings for a friend so dear Urmi, I love you to the moon and back, sans a speck of doubt   Penmancy gets a small share of every purchase you make through these links, and every little helps us continue bringing you the reads you love!