The Titanic

Durriya Sakarwala posted under PenMuse-54 Poetry on 2023-07-12

The waves screeched, cried, and growled, Titanic, the ship beamed.  The Iceberg gently gleamed.  Screams, shrieks, yells, shouts, and sighs all mixed and scrawled,  A new fable of longing, zeal, grief, and fear scowled.  The mighty vessel wept.  With a tag of unsinkable Destructible?  Perturbation crept.  Snowy, freezing,  Unimaginable,  A tragedy by nature was stirring.  Ocean has its secrets,  Grace and wrath when jumbled,  Leaves dynamism crumbled.  Sunken dreams, love, joys, and visible threats, Accentuates the human spirit, without breaths.  The yacht now rests beneath.  Heroism and fight draw fable,  Love is stable.  Luring lifetime feat.  Snowy, freezing,  Unimaginable,  Keep marching ahead, even though stirring.   Penmancy gets a small share of every purchase you make through these links, and every little helps us continue bringing you the reads you love!