The Unhappy Cars

Opal Mishra posted under Flash Fiction QuinTale-27 on 2021-02-21

“I’m freezing!” Beep said. “It’s not fair that our owners are treating us like this. It’s snowing outside, and I’m cold, but they are safe inside my body.” “I know,” Boop said. “I think I am getting frostbite!” “We will just have to deal with it. As always!” Beep grumbled loudly, extremely bored.  “Yes,” said Boop. “And yesterday, it was also cold. But my owner dragged me to this place. Then, he drove me through this tunnel thing, and I got sprayed with water. He kept calling it a car wash. I am perfectly clean. And, his kids were jumping around in the backseat screaming. One of them opened the window just so that they could get wet! And then my car seats got wet, so my owner started to scold his kids for opening the window. It was absolute chaos! But no one cared about me!”  “I am sorry, my friend. It’s so unfair, right? I might get the flu this way. I hate my owner so much!” “Oh, no!” Boop screamed. “He is turning on my headlights again. I hate when he does that! It makes me feel sick. Also, he doesn’t take good care of me. When will he take me to that gas place again? I almost have no gas left. I will stop working this way. He needs to fill me up. I love when he does that, because then I get a lot of energy! Hopefully, he will do it soon.” “Hey, Boop! Maybe we should just stop working, to teach our owners a lesson. They always just take us for granted. We need to show them how amazing we really are.” Beep grinned while saying this. “Good idea,” Boop said. “Lets stop working on 3!” At the same time, both cars shouted, “1, 2, 3!” The cars suddenly stopped, right in the middle of the road. The cars could hear their owners grumbling. Then they heard him call someone. A few minutes later, another car came speeding down the road. Beep and Boop heard their owners talking to someone. A man and a woman started to lift the car with something. Beep and Boop screamed. “Oh, no! I hate this. They’re trying to fix us!”  In about an hour, the car was fixed. They started to move again.“Well that didn’t go well at all,” Boop said, and Beep agreed.  Suddenly, Boop shouted, “My foot feels weird. It hurts!” “Maybe you have a flat tire. I know how that feels.” “My tire is falling off! Help me. It keeps moving out of place.” Suddenly, Boop started to swerve around. Boop could hear his owner screaming. “CAR CRASH!” Boop shouted. Boop smashed into another car.  “Are you okay, Boop?”  “Yes, I am. Me and my owner both! And the other car. But I might have to go to that annoying car repair center. Hey, maybe I’ll get a new owner! I hope they aren’t as annoying!” Beep and Boop smiled.


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