The Voyage

In the dark hours of despair,
Engulfed in a mist of fear,
Trembling beneath my frail breath,
Quelled courage, a trait, in dearth.
I clung to the shreds of rope,
Believed in the wilted hope,
Amassing bits of valor,
I retraced, a path, firmer.
The grey clouds drifted away,
Extricating, the dull day,
Faint rays suffused the bleakness,
Ousting whiffs of sadness.
I sailed through the turbulence,
Piloted with forbearance,
My strayed yacht steadily flowed,
Spurred by the camber, it rowed.
In the Cerulean Sea,
Further, farther, seamlessly.
Gliding under the vast sky,
Spreading wings, the seagulls fly,
A gentle waft of moistness,
Tickles my soul with deftness.
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