The Wakeup Call

Saravjot Hansrao posted under Flash Fiction Quintale-17 on 2020-03-28

“We don’t need no education, we don’t need no thought control No dark sarcasm in the classroom…….” Pink Floyd got louder and the trance got deeper as Anna swayed balancing herself on the black stilettos. The black sequinned dress shimmered in the low lit room as the coloured disco lights added the extra zing!! I sat at the extreme corner with headphones on, intently gazing at her dear pal as she got wobbly.  on the black stilettos. I leapt forward to grab her, very sure she would lose balance. It seemed like Anna was enjoying the whole moment as she slipped into the laps of many more masked people on the coordinated shimmery black couch! “Aww, C’mon”, was all that emerged from my voice box. “Why the hell do I give into her pleading?” “What the hell happens to her after she puts on the glistening purple mask?” I was despondent. The only reason I chose to stand by Anna was our childhood vow soon after Anna’s parents decided to separate. The whole sequence of events had played out within two months when Anna’s mother had discovered her spouse cheating on her. Their life had dived into regression, accusation and emotional upheaval. Anna shut herself from the world but our friendship stood this test well. I camped at Anna’s mansion despite my family’s resistance and helped my pal tide over the tough time.  “But I did not sign up for this”, I lost control and screamed into the darkness of the blotched room as everyone around her got sucked into the drugged trance. I felt a tint of guilt as I watched Anna, loose herself. “Why didn’t I raise a timely alarm?” but the truth was that everything seemed fine on the surface. The discovery that Anna was frequenting rave parties was a shock for me too. Despite my best efforts to stop her, Anna would just slip on the glistening mask and transform into some one unrecognizable.  “I feel like I’m flying Mini. I feel liberated”, Anna’s justification to all the opposition I put in. I was left with no choice but to keep her back.  “Anna…..Anna. Take control. We need to get home”, I shouted shaking Anna vigorously. A horrid feeling that things were about to get worse was taking over. I frantically searched for some sane person to help me get Anna on her feet and till the car. My worry was turning into panic, when I saw heavy frothing from Anna’s mouth. The sad part was that I was the lone fighter in this fire around me Thankfully I bumped into the caretaker of the farmhouse, who seemed to be in his senses.  I shoved him towards the hall and pointing towards Anna said, “Do you see that girl on the sofa?” “She isn’t fine…right?” The caretaker returned the question with a puzzled look. “Doesn’t look good…I guess!” “C’mon, help me lift her to the car….I need to take her to the hospital….before…..before, it’s too late”, she yelled. Almost everyone in the room had passed out but no one was in a condition similar to Anna. That reaffirmed my fear as I along with the frail caretaker rushed towards the car trying our best to balance the almost lifeless, half-clad beauty!  “You just made it in time…..” the bespectacled doctor said. Anna was wheeled into intensive care. I crossed my chest and said a prayer, I was sure of what I had to do.  “An anonymous caller reports a heavily drugged rave party downtown. The police raid and round up the owners along with a heavy stash of banned drugs”, said the headline in the local newspaper. Gazing at my semi-conscious pal I smiled, ‘time heals’.


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