The Wedding Planner

Kajal Kapur posted under Flash Fiction QuinTale-04 on 2018-12-26

“Where are we going?” Neil sounded exhausted. “Shopping, of course!” Naomi chirped, as she dragged him towards the car. “Again?!” Neil complained, spent with the sprees he had already taken out with her. As he buckled his car-seat belt on, he continued, “It’s our third shopping trip this week! What are we even going for?” “You’ll see.” Naomi chirped as she wheeled her Chevy off the kerb. As they approached the L’Fay Bridal store on the 58th street, Neil inquired, “are we here for a wedding dress?” “Why else?” Naomi rolled her eyes. With six years of familiarity behind them, she knew he’d keep up with this tiny tantrum, the least. Naomi jumped inside the glass door and was immediately greeted by a smiling attendant. He readily followed her inside as she picked a MelBlue design that seemed like a pre-meditated choice. She raised it for him to inspect, he nodded in affirmative. With a perfect fit and a train that was an apt length, she was so sure this was the one. “This is the one!” she exclaimed. “Yes!” “Are you sure, Steffi would like it too?” “Absolutely!” she was convinced that her mother, Steffi, would agree upon whatever she chose. Neil and Steffi had already discussed how Naomi had chosen her wedding dress. He was surprised they had to make another choice. Regardless, observing the smile on Naomi’s face, as she wrapped the deal with the attendant, made him agree. The neatly wrapped dress in acid-free tissue packed in a cardboard box sat in the back seat of the car. “L’Fay Bridal would rather deliver than have the customer carry it along,” he tossed the thought away considering Naomi’s excitement. “Steffi told me that you’d already chosen your wedding dress for your wedding this Sunday,” Neil could not help but lay out his doubts. “Yeah, we did,” Naomi paused, “don’t you like this one, though?” “Of course, I do. I’m just unsure why did we pick this one then?” the doubts were further escalating in his mind, as they turned towards home. “Y’know mom’s gonna be alone after I’m married on Sunday and off to Berg soon.” Naomi sighed as she moved the Chevy back on the kerb. “You’ve been around all these six years and never for a day have I felt that you’re not family.” She halted right outside the garage. Neil looked puzzled as she continued, “Come with me. There’s a surprise for you in the garage.” As she opened the garage door, right opposite on the wall was a huge banner that hollered, “WILL YOU MARRY MY MOM?” Neil could not help but shed a lone tear as he held her hand. Naomi grabbed it and said, “Right before my wedding, will you Neil Brandon take Steffi Liebrecht as your wife, this Sunday?” “I will,” Neil announced as he lovingly looked at Steffi who walked into the garage just then. A group hug and happy tears in unison made for a perfect picture.
