The winds howled, and the welkins roared.
As I pulled up my footmen, ascending the slope.
Don’t give up, vanquish the assailant with the sword.
Giving up slumber, maneuvering on the hazardous road,
Infantry followed me, with fortitude and hope.
The winds howled, and the welkins roared.
In sultry dust and heat, attacking the fort,
My spirited troop, managed to cope.
Don’t give up, vanquish the assailant with the sword.
No outlander can take control of my court,
We’ll fling them out, like a dope.
The winds howled, and the welkins roared.
Toiling from dawn to dusk, pummeling the hoard,
Bleeding and sweating, fumbling the knights grope.
Don’t give up, vanquish the assailant with the sword.
Victory touched our feet, as the caitiff slain scored,
Horsemen triumphantly galloped, as the dust rose.
The winds howled, and the welkins roared.
Don’t give up, vanquish the assailant with the sword.
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