The Women Who Ruled India

Kajal Kapur posted under Book Review on 2019-09-17

  History is filled with narratives of brave men who ruled the lands of India from time immemorial but we have seldom heard of stories of women who have ruled our lands with equal grit if not more. In this book, the author, Archana Garodia Gupta, brings to us 20 such stories of women who were brilliant regents of their lands and made sure that they stretched themselves as far as they could to rule efficiently. From 500 BCE till the war of independence, the author has skillfully weaved the stories of these women who either directly lay claim to the throne or somehow got into situations that they had to take the reins in their hands. Each of the 20 stories narrated herein detail the life and times of that era, sourced from the dusty pages of history. They highlight the bravery, sagacity, ruthlessness or sacrifice of these women. These stories have one thing in common, that these women were formidable rulers who refused to be cowed down. It is not only a chronological detailing of their lives but is inspirational in nature and will highlight the specifics that made them an icon. The language used is lucid and easy vernacular, which makes it a well-paced read. The transitions from one story to another are smoothly dealt with that makes it practically un-put-down-able. As a history enthusiast, my mother had introduced me to some of these women as a youngster, but there were some rulers I had known nothing about and it was fascinating to know more about them too. I am impressed with the sort of research that has gone behind framing the book and bringing it together in an entertaining format. Easily, this is one of the best non-fiction books that I have read in recent times. Not only is this highly recommended but I also hope that our youngsters learn a thing or two about these women to understand that in spite of rampant patriarchy at different times in our history there were many path-breaking people who broke the barriers and overcame rebuke. Definitely something that history-lovers will enjoy a lot but even if you were never enthusiastic about history, this will still appeal to you. Grab it here: